Weather: Sunny and clear skies all day, with breezy conditions until the afternoon. Very cold, with temperatures around 22 F this morning and a high around freezing. Tomorrow looks to be clear again and slightly warmer, with a small chance of snow showers overnight into Monday. 


  • The morning data check again revealed no obvious issues, but yet again not all of the stations made it through the night. Lconv failed first, around 01:30 CST, followed by rel prior to 0600. Uconv made it through the night and we think Init likely did as well, but we didn't look very closely at all of the data files. Ned and I suspect that the cold is increasing the load, as evidenced in nchart plots of Iload, and it is possibly from the TRH fans. We also wonder if the fan bearings going bad may increase the power consumption of the TRH's. 
  • We turned on Ubiquity data streams and left them on. 
  • The 4 additional TRH's that Dan sent have arrived and we assembled them this morning.
  • Replaced the 1.5-m TRH at Init. We decided not to replace anything else due to the bitter cold this morning. We believe there are a couple of TRH fans that are going bad. 

There will be an IOP tonight starting at 1700, and another is scheduled for Sunday at 1900 CST.

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