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  1. Unknown User (munnerly)


    Maintenance notes:

    Another quite day.  Filled the dewar for flight and make plans for the test flight and research flight.

    Cory changed the camera so it will send an image to the ground every minute. Also the Groyund Vars were changed to add Pitch and AKRD.

    Worked on wiki stuff. Made child pages for the next 2 maintenance days.  Will post in comments so we can see how we like this test.

    No issues to report

    WiKi notes:

    Although we can make comments to a WiKi page, we cannot add pages, edit a page or blog. This is because the editor will not load through the satcom, unknown as to why.

    We think the best work around is enter flight notes into comments, then copy and paste into the page will be a task after the flight, not to be done later than the close of project.

    Maintenance day notes:

    Will have child pages with the date (including the year) being the unique title

  2. I'm sure we have permission issues or something like that, basically growing pains...  Maybe the Wiki is not the answer.  I have issues seeing any updated unforation, while I get notices, I do not see the updates notes once I log in?  So maybe through Chris or Taylor we an figure it out.