Today was a maintenance day, so I went out and got stuff done on the plane. The launcher pins that Karl sent down have now been installed, so the launcher bin is back to normal.

I also looked through the launch tube to see if there was anything that could cause a sonde to get stuck. There are no visible cracks or bends, but there was a bit of gasket by the ejection gate valve that was sticking into the tube. It was small, and a sonde could slide past it without issue, due to the clearance between the sonde and the tube, but it could also cause a sonde to slow down if it hits that. We trimmed it back, so now the launch tube is completely smooth. The tube is a decent amount bigger than the sonde, which means any slow down can cause the sonde to get wedged in place once it hits the wind. I think this is probably what happened for the ones that have gotten stuck, and it definitely looked like something that not every sonde would get stuck in. The next flight day is Thursday, so hopefully no sondes will have this issue anymore! If it still occurs, there’s certainly nothing visible causing any problems.

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