The Windcube lidar has been down since around 23 UTC on April 23.  Leila and Charles visited the site today and found that the problem was that the plug strip it is powered by was off.  Presumably its surge protection had tripped.  It was a Sundowner wind day and Leila thinks there were power interruptions so a surge may well have occurred. 

The Water Vapor GPS was on the same strip, but the last data from it was about 4 hours earlier than the lidar.  The lidar has a build-in UPS so that implies the lidar can run that long on it's UPS (probably depending on how much cooling it's doing).  Both are up and running again (May 2, 21 UTC).

The lidar laptop had been running but wasn't connecting properly so they rebooted it.  It too is fine however needs an update to VNC.

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