Went out to Marshall this morning to finish setup (we thought). Took care of all the things we had noted we still have to do and tried to set up networking. See Steve's comment on last blog post for more details. Here's a pic of our ubiquiti and POE injector waterproofing setup at the pedestal:

Back at FL noticed that when I'm not on the same subnet of the UCAR network I can't get to the dsm or ubiquitis, because I had guessed wrong on the gateway IP and default DNS settings.

Went out again this afternoon to finish setup (we thought). Upon getting there discovered there's no power to the dsm, culprit most likely is the power supply we're using. We had noticed the battery voltage was just 11.4 when we were out there this morning, so they must be all the way dead. We didn't have any job box keys (oops) and we were running short on time so we didn't do much troubleshooting. The pedestal ubiquiti was still powered so I tried setting the gateway IP and DNS to the gateway I got from my laptop's DHCP connection to UCAR Internal at the site (still haven't heard anything from NETS about what I should be using). Once that was done the pedestal ubiquiti can access the net, and back at foothills I can get to it over ssh and even browse to the web interface!

We're heading back to Marshall tomorrow morning to figure out a new power supply situation and make the IP configuration changes to the dsm and tower ubiquiti once they're back on...