
Our next meeting will be on 08/03/2021 between 9-10AM MST.  Meeting info for members only.

Time TopicSpeakerSummarySlide
9:02-9:10Last outage, status  and feedback MickOutage went well and on schedule
9:10-9:20Cross scheduling jobs between Cheyenne and CasperJohn Blaas

Peer scheduling will be operational in next 2 weeks, users will be

able to submit jobs from Cheyenne to Casper and vise-versa 

Peer Scheduling
9:20-9:40Current  status of Derecho,  deployment  and readinessIrfan Elahi
  1. Derecho delivery, and the follow on timelines will be delayed by about 4 months.
  2. Cheyenne will be in production till end of Dec'22 instead of July'22 

9:40-10:00Allocations, ASD, NSC timelines etc.Dave Hart
  1.  ASD allocations schedule will remain the same but
  2. NSC and other schedule will follow the deployment schedule.

  1. Meeting recording
  2. Meeting recording (audio only)
  3. Audio transcript (vtt file)
  4. Chat transcript
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