Cool and partly cloudy this morning, followed by increasing clouds and winds with occasional light rain this afternoon.  A winter storm warning has been issued for tomorrow and Friday with 4 - 10 inches of snow forecast in the valley.

In advance of the weather, today was a busy and productive day in a number of areas:

Internet Access: This morning Bill and Gary visited the local school district's technology managers at Wasatch High School to make arrangements for a high-speed internet link.  A Ubiquiti wireless link will be set up between Midway Elementary school and the Railway service pad site for the ISFS base and the lidar trailers.

Wind Lidar: A crane arrived to lift the windcube lidar onto the top of the lidar container.  The lidar was set up with power and network connections to the adjacent ISFS base trailer, and was switched on late this afternoon as the cold front came in.  A web camera was also set up to observe fog development over the Deer Creek reservoir to the south.

Modular Wind Profiler: connectors were delivered this morning.  Liz and John installed them this afternoon and after some work and diagnosing various minor issues, got the profiler running.  There are still many adjustments to be made but it appears to be working well.

Helium: 17 K/200 size Helium cylinders were delivered this afternoon and taken to the sounding site.

The Windcube scanning lidar being lifted onto a trailer and being prepared for operation

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