Partly cloudy with scattered cirrus this morning, increasing in the afternoon, light winds.

Lots of miscellaneous tasks today: took F350 truck into shop to get a quote for new tires (the current tires don't grip well in the snow and ice, and also in the muddy fields), attended CFACT meeting (no IOP likely for a few days),  testing microseven camera, visited the aerosol trailer.  Helped Isabel diagnose issues with a DSM at the Provo River supersite, accompanied by cows who cleaned our boots. 

The wind lidar is getting returns to around 4 km in low elevation scans.

At the ISS1 site, the Modular Profiler is getting winds to around 2 km and RASS to 1.2 km.  Power supply draw was 3.29A at 50V and 1.77A on 31V in winds mode, and in RASS mode was 3.50A at 50V and 1.916A at 31V at 18UT.

Sounding training with Zhaoxia and four students for this afternoon's regular 4:15pm sounding.  Mostly went smoothly, although the surface met data is still missing.

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