Clear blue day in the morning, giving way to mostly cloudy with a cold NW wind by later afternoon.

ISS1 - system running nominally with profiler status:   @0925 100m:  50V 4.87A,  31V 1.835A, @0930 150m rass: 50V  4.08A,  31V  1.889A

ISS2 - Lidar still not running.  There are two issues with the system.  First, there is frost on the inside of the lidar lends, which we may not be able to anything about, though Sebastian has suggested adding more desiccant near the scanner head.  Will wait to hear from Bill/Vaisala on next step for this issue.   There is also a software issue that is preventing the on-board computer/system from running, though Bill has been in contact with Vaisala and thinks this issue will be resolved possibly as soon as tomorrow.

Late morning was spent at the Midway site trouble shooting a power issue.  The breaker for the AC line power has tripped and is not accessible.  Dan has been in contact with the property owner and the man tending to the horses, but no word back yet on when AC line power will be restored. 

Sounding - late yesterday we were able to locate a different high pressure connector for the helium tank on one of the spare regulators after talking with Lou.  The nut of the spare connector has damaged threads, but we were able to use the nipple of the spare connector with the original nut and had no issues or noticeable leaks once attached to the helium tank.  The 'bad' nipple and nut are zipped tied together and in the spare regulator tub.

Since we had time before the sounding launch, I went to reboot the sounding computer and instead shut it down.  It took a call to Lou and some keen eyes to find the tiny power button on the front of the new sounding computer and get the system back up and running.   Sounding was conducted with no other issues, however under a strong and cold NW wind that had developed.

Liz left mid-day today with Matt giving her a ride to the SLC airport. 

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