A cold snowy day, with 2 - 3 inches of snow, mostly during the morning followed by a another round in the later afternoon and evening.

We gave Terry the grand tour, starting off at the North Pivot / ISS1 site, then Steve took him to the DC Supersite, then I met them at the sounding site, then the Soldier Hollow ISFS site, then the Base Trailer to see the lidar.  Eric and Sebastian joined us, then they all went around some of the ISFS sites before finishing up back at ISS1.  He didn't get to see the mountains but he did see lots of equipment, and had a good discussion with Eric and Sebastian.  They are thinking about a possible last IOP on the night of Feb 23 into the following morning.

Other activities:

Around 18 UTC the Modular Profiler was drawing 4.53 on the 50V supply and 1.830A on the 32V supply in winds mode.  In RASS mode it was drawing 3.75A from the 50V and 1.88A from the 32V supplies.  The RASS amplifier output was 11.45 VAC.

Cleaned off about 4-5 cm of snow from the Modular Profiler.  At 1812 UTC, stopped the profiler, cleaned off antennas 1 and 3 (channels 0 and 1), then restarted for 5 minutes (1817-1822 UTC) to see if I could detect any differences between those channels and antenna 2/channel 2 (which still had snow).  The effect was small, perhaps just 1 or 2 dB.  Cleaned off the remaining panel and restarted around 1825 UTC. 

Later in the day, cleaned off around 5cm of snow from the RASS dishes.  At 0030 UTC (Feb 22) was before cleaning out, then did an extra RASS run at 0055 UTC.  The effect wasn't large, perhaps around 100m of extra range.  Also cleaned a thin layer of ice/snow from the profiler antenna around 01 UTC.

The wind lidar had limited range in the snow as expected.  I added extra wipes to the schedule to clean off snow, and also added some extra observing cycles around 21 - 22 UTC while we had visitors.  Afterwards left the lidar in a 30 minute cycle.  The database seems to be steady at 84.8%.

Launched the regular sounding at 2315 UTC which was uneventful apart from the snow.

Steve and Terry on the snow tour of the Modular Profiler

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