Some scattered fog overnight, apparently great conditions for the IOP that was held last night.  

This morning it was cold but sunny, although this afternoon it clouded over with a little more snow expected tonight.

Teardown began today with backups of data at all sites and the dismantling of the sounding site.  The sounding equipment in the trailer was packed up and the trailer towed to the North Pivot ISS1 site.  The 10-foot tower at the sounding site was stripped although we haven't taken down the tower itself yet.  The CL61 ceilometer at that site is also still there, although powered down when we pulled power from the sounding trailer.

At the ISFS base trailer, we packed up the data manager computer, GPS water vapor receiver, networking and lidar computer.  The lidar is shutdown in preparation for being lifted tomorrow.  At ISS1 all computers were powered down, monitors and other bench equipment packed up and snow cleared from around the Modular Profiler.

Matt dismantling the met tower at the sounding site.

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