Today the weather was mostly cold and cloudy, although there were a few brief sunny periods and also some more snow at times.

Teardown is continuing.  We picked up our Penske truck and began loading it up with boxes and equipment from the lidar trailer at the Railway Service pad site to make space for packing the wind lidar.   Utah Crane, a local company, came and lowered the wind lidar from the roof of the lidar trailer and we packed it up into its case.  We also took down other equipment on top of the trailer.  We packed up the CL61 ceilometer from the sounding site as well as the Met tower from that site.  At the profiler site, there was further packing inside the trailer and preparations for dismantling the Modular Profiler planned for tomorrow.

Dexter joined us today so we now have our full teardown crew of Lou, Liz, Matt, Dexter and myself.

Liz preparing to hook the wind lidar to a crane for lowering from the lidar trailer

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