A sunny calm day, although still cold with a high of 32F.  Quite a thick fog at the south end of the valley this morning (see photo below).

Today we were mostly working at the North Pivot field ISS1 site.  We dismantled the Modular Profiler which was challenging because of the large amount of ice and snow built up underneath.  The process was to slowly raise the antenna, carefully clear away snow, remove the fence and RASS shields, disconnect and remove the antenna panels to allow access and the sun to shine in,  add ice-melt to areas where cables and other hardware were frozen in, remove the electronics boxes, gently clip away at the ice and gradually pull the cables out.  As far as we can tell only one of the many cables were damaged.  The profiler has been mostly dismantled and cables coiled, although we haven't started on the frame yet and still need to pack many components.

We also took down the ceilometer, met tower, Ott disdrometer and cameras, and packed up much of the inside of the ISS1 trailer.  At the end of the day, Liz, Matt, and Dexter (being young and gung-ho) went off to help the ISFS team at the Center Creek site for an hour or two.

Liz, Dexter, and Matt working on the Modular Wind Profiler teardown 

Fog at the south end of the valley at 9am this morning.

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