Another sunny day with light breezes.

Today we started at ISS1 examining the air conditioner, after some jolting it around, it started working.  It is suspected that the fan may have some debris or bearing issue, but it seems to be working for now and the temperature in the container dropped from around 30C to 18C later inn the day.  To be safe we ordered a new unit and hope to get that Monday.  The Modular Profiler is working well, seeing winds to almost 3km (still on just the 2.7% duty cycle), and is drawing 2.74A on the 50V supply and 1.68A on the 31V supply later in the day.  

At ISS2 the storage pod was delivered (eventually, delayed by address confusion by the driver).  We did more unpacking, set up computers, erected the 10 meter surface met tower and the 3-m Lufft sensor tower, although the sensors haven't been installed yet.  John, Liz and Lou got the 915 MHz wind profiler working.  It is running at about a 5% duty cycle, seeing signal up to about 2km and drawing about 4.4A on the power supply.

Tomorrow we are heading to ISS3 at Sedgwick.

Raising the 10-meter met tower and leveling the radar wind profiler

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