Foggy along the mountains early, turning in to warm breezy day with just a few mid and upper level clouds.  A few lenticular wave clouds towards the south.

IOP1 started today with 10am (17 UTC) soundings from two ISS sites (and two university sites).  Soundings will continue every 3 hours ending with 7am (PDT) soundings tomorrow morning.  Another limited IOP has been proposed for tomorrow evening with overnight soundings starting at 7pm (PDT) just at two sites (the ISS site at Rancho Alegre and a university site in Santa Barbara).

All ISS systems are working well.  The ISS crew started at ISS1 where I turned on tms (time series IQ) data on the Modular Profiler and checked on the lidar (which I switched to 50 meter resolution from 100 meter resolution last night).  The lidar is seeing out to 2 to 3 km.   Liz and Isabel went to Rancho Alegre to do the daytime soundings at ISS2, while I went to Sedgwick to check on the students doing the soundings from ISS3.  The soundings mostly went well, although the students did have to reboot the sounding computer and MW41 a couple of times to get the ground check to work properly.   

First student soundings for IOP1 at Sedgwick and Rancho Alegre and the first night-time sounding from Sedgwick

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