Another hot day with light winds, sunny with a little scattered thin high level cirrus cloud.  Sundowner winds are forecast for the next few days, with a possible IOP on Monday.

Today we worked at ISS1 at the county offices.  All systems at the 3 sites appear to be working well, except that the Modular Profiler stopped recording data this morning for some unknown reason.  It wasn't obvious at first because it was still drawing current and the profiler display looked normal with no noticeable error messages.  Eventually I saw that the data files weren't updating and did a restart to get it running again.  No data was recorded from 15 to 18 UTC.  I did some cleaning up of data and around the trailer, and also installed a Microseven web camera.  It is mounted on the met tower looking towards the north to monitor clouds over the mountains, and also to monitor the wind lidar which is helpful while controlling it remotely.   It will take an image every minute saving those to an SD card.  Isabel continued working on various software tasks including developing a time-height plot for wind lidar vertical stares.

Sample image from the Microseven camera on the met tower

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