Another early start, and another hot day out there.

Started putting up towers along the tower array. We started with the one farthest from the base site, then doubled back to the closest to the base site and worked outward from there (Bill wanted to have both ends set up so he could sight off of them to position MISS). We had trouble with some of the auger anchors, and have ended up using rebar stakes for some of the guy points. After trying to align the first couple, we decided a string line would be helpful for keeping the towers in between the flagged ones in line, so took a trip to the hardware store.

At this point I wasn't that helpful to the crew, so I went back to base and worked on ISS stuff for most of the day (so I might miss something in this blog post). Will, Tony, and Chris got back to it at the tower array and got 7ish towers up, out in the hot sun.

The electrician was on site all day getting the power panel set up. We now have power to ISS1, MISS, the base trailer, REAL, and MPD. The electrician will be back once he gets the outlets he ordered (currently trailers are hardwired into the panel), but I think everything is done and working for now.

Chenning and 2 of his students are here, starting the process of setting up posts to run fiber. Today they drilled mounting holes in their pipes and distributed them along the array, not yet pounded in. Chris took Chenning on a tour of the array site so he knows where the fiber will run. Shane, along with Bruce and Scott, is working on setting up REAL now that they have power.

The MPDs arrived early this afternoon, and Ben, Dexter, and Robert are working on getting those set up.

The base trailer showed up late this afternoon. It's sited but not yet leveled, and we've put together the back stairs but not the porch. It does have power. 

Happy birthday Will!

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1 Comment

  1. Under the back seat of the silver truck is a 100m tape measure and a 25m also was in the truck.  The base should have a 50m tape measure.  I had in mind to use one of these (probably the shortest) to locate the odd-numbered towers, that should be better than a string.  With the Leica appearing to work, I never used these tapes in the field.  (I did use the 25m tape to flag the trailer locations.)