Another hot day out there.

Started early again this morning out at the tower array. We did more prep for raising towers in the morning, with Tony, Will, and Chris working on siting and placing anchors for the towers, as well as measuring the height of the sonic booms (will be 4.1 meters to be able to fit the boom clamps on the tower) and adding boom clamps. Meanwhile I took the cart and fastened on and laid out all the ratchet strap guy wires for the towers. Done with that around 11 and decided to head back to base for a bit of a break.

At this point I left to join Bill working on ISS stuff, while Tony, Will, and Chris set up the porch on the base trailer, turned on the power (and the AC!), and did some general reorganization of the base. Later in the afternoon they headed back out to the tower array and kept working on erecting towers. Will says we're up to 16ish towers installed!

The base site is still busy with people working on ISS, REAL, and the MPDs.

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