Another scattered cumulus day with south winds in the afternoon

Bill left today.  Onsite: Justin, Gary, Matt, Delia, me

Biggest event was a virtual tour for the ASP Colloquium from here that went pretty well.  As that was finishing, Mark from the FBO and his grandson showed up and also got a tour of the trailers.

The only data issue is the GPS on ttb that seems to lose satellite reception, presumably since it is nominally under the ttt DSM and thus is blocked from seeing the sky.  We're considering just taking the entire ttb DSM and putting it on the trailer bed.

Delia and Gary made tweaks to her code to use the DSM WiFi and configuration switches and installed it on t0b.  We'll get to play with it now.

Gary is also trying to track down a bug that disconnects the USB and doesn't bring the USB stick back up, just on t38.  He installed code that seems to bring the stick back up, but still doesn't know the source of this problem on just one DSM.

I fired up the CSAT3 sonic that we removed because it was giving error code 31(?) on every sample and thus reporting nans.  This seems to mean that the signals aren't right and that the path speed of sound values don't agree.  On the bench in the trailer it works just fine.  I wonder if heat got to it.  Maybe it is half of a spare?  It seems odd to send it to Campbell saying that it works fine....

The big question is whether we'll move the t0 profile measurements to another tower (either t49 or a new t50 near tt.  I haven't convinced myself using the data that this will help, but Chenning seems to really want t50.  Hopefully, I'll see something in the data soon to justify this move.

P.S. After dinner, went back out to the site to confirm that the tt beacon light is visible.  There are brighter red lights around the airport, but tt's light definitely is there.  Also saw 2 satellites, despite a bunch of clouds and a half moon.

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