Scattered high cloud all day.  Pretty normal.

Onsite: Matt, Gary, Steve (Gary leaves (sob) and Mack arrives (yay!) tonight.

Just a few tasks:

  • Matt shot a bunch more boom angles
  • Steve and Chenning redid DTS power, adding a battery on the load side.  So far, it has stayed up, but we'll see.  I'm considering adding a DSM to the DTS to log the Victron output – this might be useful in general to understand Victron operation.
  • Steve fixed the 7V problem on the hot film and plugged probes in at the lowest 3 levels.  Gary gave a quick demo and started up data acquisition – the beginning of SHINE!
  • Steve reseated the Victron USB connectors on t38, but it is highly unlikely that this will fix the issues with that DSM.  We'll try one or two things more before replacing it.

Another data analysis nugget:  I created a histogram of wind directions and see that even for spd>2 m/s and afternoon (12:00-20:00), NNW dominates.  SSE is a clear secondary maximum.  By my count, we have almost 14 hours of good conditions so far in this project.