Scattered Cu most of the day

Onsite: Matt, Mack, Steve


  • Brought in the Leica tripod from the field and worked on scans around the compound
  • Cleaned radiometers and solar panels
  • Took last gravimetric sample
  • Added a better fuse on the DTS power
  • Replaced t38 DSM with a spare (since it has had low voltage/reset issues)
  • Retensioned/leveled t0, now with twisted guy straps
  • Tried really hard, but failed to make sense of the velocity profiles
  • Started making the serial number list
  • No labels


  1. Tony did a great job of logging all sonics, Ec150s and Nanos in asset panda with individual tower numbers, so all of that information should be in there (except for what you changed).

  2. Under "home location" field

  3. I'm having a hard time finding the locations on Asset Panda. The home location e.g. Tower #1, it doesn't show what CSAT is attached to that location. Under the CSAT asset itself, it doesn't show which tower its located at.