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  1. Unknown User (shane)

    Wednesday, August 9.   Bruce Morley departed Tonopah this morning and will be gone until next week.  Shane Mayor present to operate REAL.

    Shane arrived at site this morning at around 9:30 AM and started scanning at 10:02 AM PDT.   Cleaned exterior window of scanner prior to scanning.

    Following eastern panorama taken at 9:50 AM PDT.

    Some interesting clouds to the south at 11:29 AM PDT.

    There appears to be some convective activity to the south.

    Eastern panorama at 13:22 PDT:

    Almost 2 PM and winds have increased from the south and we are seeing nice gust structures in the REAL images:

    Here are some close ups of the vector fields we are calculating from our wavelet-based optical flow near the linear array.  We calculate a vector at every pixel in the image, but for clarity in we can only plot a subset of the vectors.

    Note: excellent gust structures and wind fields in the afternoon.  

    On the evening of August 9, around 10:20 PM, (that would be morning of August 10 in UTC, 5:20 UTC) I observed the following interesting aerosol feature move across the linear array from the west to the east.  It will be interesting to compare the images with the tower data someday.