Weather:  Calm and sunny in the AM with clouds rolling in from the south and east. Comfortable, cooler temperatures (< 30C). We saw a rainbow in the early evening. 

Staff: Jacquie, Mack

Data check (AM/PM): Stable


  • Shane and Chenning got a refresher when launching the AM radiosonde. 
  • Jacquie cleaned the counters in the ISFS trailers and removed all traces of the bubonic plague. Two garbage bags worth of trash were removed. Also aired the trailer of yesterday’s sewage smell. Good times.
    • Went to the Family Dollar and bought disinfectant spray, a broom to replace the broken one, and a soft cloth broom to clean the solar panels.   

Photos of the day

(Left) Chenning working on the mouse-turd-free table. 

(Right) Jacquie triumphant with her cleaning supply bounty. Check out the clouds!

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