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  1. Unknown User (shane)

    Monday, August 14.  Shane started a 30-minute warm up on REAL from hotel at about 9:30 AM PDT.  Arrived at the site shortly before 10 AM PDT to confirm smooth start up.  

    Weather conditions this morning are mostly sunny with winds starting to come around from the SSE during the 10 AM hour.  

    Eastern panorama at 10:40 AM PDT:

    Western panorama at 10:41 AM PDT:

    Visible GOES floater from 18:34 UTC:

    Gust structures advecting through the area from the SE:

    Prior to the following observation, my hypothesis was that the U-shaped gust structures were the leading edges of broad convective cells that are advecting with the mean flow.  The following sequence shows to U shaped structures right behind each other.