Jacquie and Josh just replaced the t1 CSAT3 with a CSAT3A.  I made this change in the local config directories on t2 and ustar, but have not checked them in.  (All I did was change the sensor type from CSAT3 to CSAT3A_BIN.).  I've also restarted dsm_server (not sure if I needed to do this) and statsproc on ustar.

Note, however, that this is a config change breaks the analysis of previous data.  (I think we did something similar, changing a sonic type, during burn-in.). I think we'll need to change configs.xml, perhaps only with an environment variable, to implement this change, but we'll also need to break up any statsproc_redo runs.  Maybe Gary will think up some better way to deal with this.

P.S. I made the config change (in /net/isf/isfs/projects/M2HATS/ISFS/config), but haven't checked it in since ck_xml fails.  Maybe this is okay??

BTW, the new EC100 box is set for 20sps, rather than 60sps that the other EC100s are now set to.  I tried to change this remotely through the serial port, but couldn't.  Someone should power up ainu and use ECMon to make this change.  Maybe this could even be done on the tower using the ladder!