Reva left this morning, so now just Josh and I from ISF.

Again partly cloudy and not too hot, a little windier today (still out of the south).

Out to the array today between around 11 and 12:

  • cleaned off all solar panels, including new t0 and the trailer tower. They weren't terribly dirty, but definitely some dust buildup in the corners.
  • wiped the lenses of the EC150s at 1m and 4m on t0, to see if that helps with the low values they've been reporting. 11:30-11:40
  • replaced the TRH housing at t47, which was reading Rfan values ~2500. With new housing all looks good. Replaced around 11:45.
  • paid another visit to the drone operators on the way back.

Then back to the base trailer to work on the mice situation. We wiped down all the countertops with bleach and vacuumed the trailer, so now at least we'll know if there are new signs of mice. We also tried adding some steel wool to a couple of the places we think they might be getting in (cable ports, conduit leaving the electrical panel). While vacuuming we did discover one male black widow in the base trailer (behind the bin of spare dsms in the SW corner of the trailer), so keep in mind when moving boxes around. We've also seen them in the sounding/ISFS storage container and in the portapotty. Watch out!!