Another hot, clear day in the desert. Josh and I onsite. Chenning and Jielun mostly around the base today, as the drone is not flying.

Data check shows everything looking fine.

Out to the array today between about 1:45 and 2:45. Went to the trailer tower to lower it, but by the time we found where the keys were (operator error) and realized we would have to go get the gas can for the generator, we didn't have time to do that today. We're planning to head out again on Friday now that we know what we're doing and will be prepared for it. While out there, we cleaned the NR01s (t47 one at 2:26pm local, t0 one at 2:48pm local). We also tried swapping the original PurpleAir sensor from the array back in, since at base it was working just fine connected to a spare dsm's wifi, but out on the array it just doesn't work. So, still using the spare we swapped in a couple days ago.

Besides that I spent some time getting SOS data off the Leica for Steve and finishing off the presentation I'm going to give as part of Jielun's M2HATS event in town this evening. We'll see how big of a crowd we get for that...

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