Staff: Chris and Rick.  Chenning on site all day. Stephan de Wekker arrives with 14 others from Purdue to conduct drone operations.

ISS trailer A/C seems to be stable now. Trailer was 71F on arrival this morning and remained that way all day. The "check filter" alert is still on, however.

Chris and Rick on the 10:00PDT sounding. Calm and sunny:

After the sounding, Chris and I headed out to the trailer tower to check on the 28m TRH sensor. Ultimately we decided to drop the tower. Chris provided me a good refresher on how to safely lower a tower. He also showed me how to replace the sensor in the TRH, and discussed failure modes of the sensor and how to troubleshoot them.  With the 28m TRH back online, we raised the tower and called it success.

On the way back, we stopped to talk with the drone crew.  In this photo, they are hovering drones just behind and between the eastern-most towers, and at the same height as the sensors, measuring wind speeds. It was a somewhat odd sight (and sound!).

I used the opportunity to clean several of the solar panels (they have a dust coating from yesterday's light rain).  Chris (and likely Rick) plan to go out tomorrow and clean the rest. I had helped Chenning clean panels at his site yesterday. Under cloudy conditions, he measured before and after, and determined that it makes about a 10% difference in output.

Chris and I then tended to the task of rebooting the ISS1 data manager. The UI was extremely sluggish, and it took nearly 1/2 hour to wrestle control back from it in order to power down. We disconnected the problematic USB drive. On reboot, all seems fine.

Chris and Rick on the 15:00PDT sounding. Breezy south wind and clear overhead.

Random checks on 449 power supply:  low 2.86A   high 2.92.   Spot check mid-day on the 915:  2.44A.

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