Staff: Chris and Rick.  Chenning on site all day.  Stephan, Nathan and Purdue students on site much of the day.

Morning was sunny and very calm.  Partly cloudy and increased South wind by the afternoon.

The Purdue students were on hand for the morning sounding. We passed around a sonde for them to check out. Got two students to perform the actual launch (one held/released the balloon, the other held the sonde):

Made sure ISS1 and ISS2 plots were operational. Checked Nagios reports. Bill had me restart the remote desktop session to the Metek Lidar (the screen captures had stopped updating). Visually inspected the equipment outside.

Chris and I had a discussion with Chenning about the potential effects of the Purdue activities on the measurements of winds at the array. He was particularly interested in seeing 5min average plots of the W-component of the winds. Chris pointed him to how that can be done with NCharts. Chenning showed a different plot schema that he thought might be more useful. It was a relatively quiet day, so I spent some idle time trying to create similar plots using NCL; I have some plots to share with him in the morning.

Chris and Rick sat in on Allison's all hands meeting.

Involved the students again in the afternoon sounding:

Spot checks on the 449 power supply:  low 2.85A   high 2.94A

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