Staff: Rick, Chris, Antonio

Antonio arrived yesterday afternoon. Successfully drank beer with Chris, Rick, and Chenning. Discussed MO and MMO.

Morning sounding: Opened new box of sondes. Antonio learned launch procedures with Chris and Rick. Students launched balloon by hand. 

449 HPA Current: No-RASS: 2.87A,

449 HPA Current: With RASS: 4.80A


MISS HPA Current: 2.44A

Plots look good. All things updating properly. Antonio and Rick did a walk-about around the site. Cleaned optics on Stephan's Halo Lidar. All things look in order. We saw a particularly spunky horny toad lizard but failed to get a photo.

Antonio toured the ISFS tower array with Rick and Chris and understands his duties and the consequences of failure.

Troubleshooted 2m hotfilm on ISFS t0. Initially, the hotfilm measured 7 V. Measuring the resistance of the hotfilm shows 6 ohms. Switching the bridge shows no change in behavior. Measuring the resistance on the bridge end of the BNC showed 0.6 ohms: Short somewhere. Found that reseating the BNC-(small-coax) adapter solved the problem. Maybe some rain water got into the connection and caused a short. Hotfilm is behaving properly now.

There appears to a bat using the east facing DSM on the ISFS t0. We discovered a large amount of guano in the box as well as the remains of devoured insects. Be aware when opening DSMs.

Brushed off solar panels.

Manually started backup of ISS1 DM. Drive wouldn't auto-mount, so Rick manually mounted it to /media. Difficult.

Can anyone identify these animal prints?

Antonio takes in the sights and aromas of Tonopah by the reflection pool

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