Chenning and Antonio found that the wifi was very slow this morning. Tested the speed at around 100 Kbps. Called Merci and she mentioned that they tend to see our are affected regularly on Fridays. She said that a technician is looking into things. In the meantime, internet speeds are increasing to enough that we can access the wiki in a reasonable amount of time.

While checking the QC tables, Antonio noticed that the on t24, spd, w, and tc were each reporting 26 NA's int he past 6 hour period. This might suggest that the anemometer on tower 24 is down. Rick and Antonio pointed  a browser at t23 and found that CSAT3_IRGA_BIN co2 and h20 were reporting large numbers of nan values. And CSAT3B dir, spd,  tc, u, v, w, were all reporting 0 valid and lots of invalid samples. Looking at t26 and t20 showed that CSAT3A_BIN had all data were sampling slow at 20Hz, where 60 Hz is expected. Curious...Rick and Antonio ride to face the problem.

When we got to the tower, we couldn't find the t23 subnet. After some poking around, we found that the DSM lost power. Voltage on the batteries read 11 V. Victron is probably bad. We are not hosting a Black widow in that particular cooler so we will swap out the batteries and victron after lunch.

Took ISFSVIC2 from the charging station. Replaced batteries and victron. DSM came back live. All the sub-systems are sampling data. However, we saw that the gas analyzer (CSAT3_IRGA_BIN) is periodically recording a continuous set of NANs... about 1/4 of the time. Power cycling doesn't resolve, and re-seating the controller cable doesn't resolve. Chris Roden assures us that the gas analyzers do this form time to time, especially when it gets windy. So the problem is resolved. For now.

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