Rick holds down the fort in the morning -- Antonio, Chenning, and Jielun make science outreach presentations to three classrooms at the Tonopah middle school.

Rick and Bruce (lastname?) handle the morning sounding:

ISS 1&2 plots updating. ISS 1&2 Nagios looks good, with exception of the backup task that has been flagging for a number of days now. The new disk Gary sent out had been attached several days ago and a manual backup successfully performed. I need to talk with Gary more about how to clear this alert.  Walked the ISS line outside and visually inspected everything – nothing out of the ordinary.

Antonio, Chenning, Jielun arrive at the site around noon. By all accounts, their presentations were well received and successful.

A Nagios alert on ISS1 appears later in the afternoon:  Rick was poking around the data looking for the soundings datasets, and must have provoked the alert on an old SWEX file in /data/iss/m2hats...../soudings/rawdata/.../messages.  Not sure what the alert is about. Will monitor to see whether it clears.

Antonio and Rick on the afternoon sounding. Antonio squashes viscous rumors that were spread at dinner last night about a shortage of balloons, by identifying several boxes of balloons in the container.

Overall, pretty quiet day in paradise.

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1 Comment

  1. I think the Vaisala MW41 software keeps a database of the data, and then periodically can update all the output products on disk from the database, but I don't know what triggers that.  Apparently some SWEX data have not been removed from that database, and something has caused the output files to be regenerated on the sounding PC, so then they are synchronized to the data manager.  I tried removing those SWEX sounding files from the data manager, but of course they eventually got copied back over.  I don't think it would be useful to remove them on the sounding PC or from the database at this point, so you can just ignore that nagios warning about unknown files for the rest of the project.

    The USB backups are working normally now, the new USB drive has 2.1 TB of data out of 4 TB available.  So nice work getting the new disk up and going.  Hopefully backups can just work normally for the rest of the project.  And for the record, this USB drive contains a backup of the system and also everything under the /data directory, which includes all of the profiler raw data: spectra, moments, and time series netcdf files, for both rass and winds.