
Daily status, June 29

AHATS daily status 6/29/08

Staff: Maclean, Horst, Tong, Khoung

Summary: Chenning and Khoung working on completion of pressure sensor
deployment. They may not finish until Tuesday since they are waiting
for delivery of tubing connectors. Currently no data from downwind-2
and upwind adams; radio down but should have local data storage.

Good wind direction: For the period 6/25 17:00 through 6/29 08:42, we have
30 hours 10 minutes of data periods of length 20 minutes or longer
with wind directions from 195-355 degrees. This includes 10 periods of
length greater than one hour and equates to good periods 34% (warning) of the
time. Note that the daytime periods may be compromised by work on the array,
e.g. installing the pressure sensors.


spd: ok
dir: ok
u*: ok
w'tc': ok
T: ok
RH: 4m may be low by less than 1% RH
P: okay

Upwind (hts=3.5):
(+/- = ~1 std deviation)

missing sonics from upwind adam after 05:43 6/29

spd: ok, +/- 15 cm/s
dir: ok, +/- 5 deg
tc: ok, +/- 0.25 deg
w'w': ok, +/- 0.015 m^2/s^2 (30 min avg for second moments)
tc'tc': ok, +/- 0.1 degC^2
u*: ok, +/- 0.03 m/s
w'tc': ok, +/- 0.02 m/s degC
diag: ok, mostly << 1 but some spikes that are likely caused by samples
lost during rf transmission; local data storage should be okay.

Lower (hts=3):

missing sonics from downwind-2 adam after 05:43 6/29: 7b--13b

spd: ok, +/- 20 cm/s
dir: ok, +/- 5 deg
tc: ok, +/- 0.25 deg
w'w': ok, +/- 0.015 m^2/s^2 (30 min avg for second moments)
tc'tc': ok, +/- 0.1 degC ^2
u*: ok, +/- 0.04 m/s
w'tc': ok, +/- 0.02 m/s degC
diag: ok, mostly << 1 but some spikes that are likely caused by samples
lost during rf transmission; local data storage should be okay.

Upper (hts=4):

missing sonics from downwind-2 adam after 05:43 6/29: 7t--11t

spd: ok, +/- 20 cm/s
dir: ok, +/- 5 deg
tc: ok, +/- 0.2 deg
w'w': ok, +/- 0.015 m^2/s^2 (30 min avg for second moments)
tc'tc': ok, +/- 0.1 degC ^2
u*: ok, +/- 0.04 m/s
w'tc': ok, +/- 0.02 m/s degC
diag: ok, mostly << 1 but some spikes that are likely caused by samples
lost during rf transmission; local data storage should be okay.

Chenning and Khuong working on the pressure measurement system at these times:

June 27, 2008: 

      Morning. Hung the horizontal pressure reference line.
      4:45-5:15 PM. Working on the 1/4 in tubing, connecting them to the pressure transducers.

 June 28, 2008

    9:00-11:00am. Put 1/16 in couplers to the transducers on the lower array. The tubing on the transducer is hard and the coupler cannot be inserted directly, a heat gun was used to melt the tubing in order to insert the coupler.

    1:30-3:00 pm. Connected 1/4 tubing to the pressure ports 

June 29, 2008

   8:30-9:15 am. Connected 1/4 tubing to the pressure ports 
   8:30-9:30 am. Dug a hole for the reference cylinder

    4:00-5:00 pm. Finished connecting the reference lines for the pressure transducers on the lower array. Sealed the reference cylinder. Ready to test the pressure measurement system. 

June 30, 2008

    9:00-10:10 AM. Buried the reference cylinder. Covered it with a thermal blanket. Ready to test and take data.

July 1 

   12:00 - 1:00 PM. The straight and T couplers came in. Finished the reference sides of the transducers on the upper array.

EantH, serving upwind,downwind2 and pressure2, died 12:43 UTC, 5:43 PDT, June 29.

12:43:50 wireless,info 00:20:F6:05:24:85@wlan2-Ext-Ant: disconnected, extensive data loss

I rebooted it, and changed it (and all others) to a static IP address. It just died again:

16:49:42 wireless,info 00:20:F6:05:24:85@wlan2-Ext-Ant: disconnected, extensive data loss
Status, June 28

AHATS daily status 6/28/08

Staff: Maclean, Horst, Tong, Khoung

Summary: Replaced 3m profile sonic yesterday. Chenning and Khung working
on completion of pressure sensor deployment. Currently no data from
downwind 1 and profile adams; radio down but should have local data storage.

Gordon recycled power on the transmitter, but we later discovered that the
downwind-1 and pressure-1 adams are not transmitting. Gordon found that
the adams were not getting their internet addresses due to outages of
the wireless network.

Good wind direction: For the period 6/25 17:00 through 6/28 11:45, we have
24 hours 35 minutes of data periods of length 20 minutes or longer
with wind directions from 195-355 degrees. This includes 8 periods of
length greater than one hour. Note that the daytime periods may be
compromised by work on the array, e.g. installing the pressure sensors.


spd: ok
u*: ok
w'tc': ok
T: ok
RH: 4m may be low by less than 1% RH
P: okay

Upwind (hts=3.5):

spd: ok, +/- 20 cm/s
dir: ok, +/- 5 deg
tc: ok, +/- 0.5 deg
w'w': ok, +/- 0.02 m^2/s^2 (30 min avg for second moments)
tc'tc': ok, +/- 0.2 degC ^2
u*: ok, +/- 0.1 m/s
w'tc': ok, +/- 0.05 m/s degC
diag: ok, mostly << 1 but some spikes after 0400 this morning

Lower (hts=3):

missing sonics from downwind-1 adam after 22:20 6/27: 1b,2b,3b,4b,5b,6b

spd: ok, +/- 20 cm/s
dir: ok, +/- 5 deg
tc: ok, +/- 0.5 deg
w'w': ok, +/- 0.02 m^2/s^2 (30 min avg for second moments)tc'tc': ok, +/- 0.2 degC ^2
u*: ok, +/- 0.1 m/s
w'tc': ok, +/- 0.03 m/s degC
diag: ok, mostly << 1 but some spikes after 0500 this morning

Upper (hts=4):

missing sonics from downwind-1 adam after 22:20 6/27: 3t,4t,5t,6t

spd: ok, +/- 20 cm/s
dir: ok, +/- 5 deg
tc: ok, +/- 0.5 deg
w'w': ok, +/- 0.02 m^2/s^2 (30 min avg for second moments)
tc'tc': ok, +/- 0.2 degC ^2
u*: ok, +/- 0.1 m/s
w'tc': ok, +/- 0.04 m/s degC
diag: ok, mostly << 1 but some spikes after 0500 this morning

EantG went down at 05:21:59 UTC. Log file on the ap24eth again mentions "extensive data loss".  EantH  and EantI (sodar) stayed up.

We power cycled the antenna which brought it back.  We also fetched the pocketecs and usb stick from profile, downwind1 and pressure1.

I'm not sure that changing the frequency, as was done earlier, changes anything. After changing the frequency, the Etherants still indicated that they are using channel #1.

Will now try setting the  disconnect-timeout parameter to 15 seconds (the maximum allowed value). The default is 3 seconds.  Will also increase the on-fail-retry-time to 1/2 second

interface wireless set 1 disconnect-timeouot=15s
interface wireless set 1 on-fail-retry-time=500ms

Here are the current wireless interface settings:

1  R name="wlan2-Ext-Ant" mtu=1500 mac-address=00:15:6D:10:3C:BC arp=enabled
      disable-running-check=no interface-type=Atheros AR5213 radio-name="AP24-ExtAnt"
      mode=ap-bridge ssid="ISFF14" area="" frequency-mode=manual-txpower country=united states
      antenna-gain=0 frequency=2462 band=2.4ghz-b/g scan-list=default rate-set=default
      basic-rates-b=1Mbps basic-rates-a/g=6Mbps max-station-count=50 ack-timeout=dynamic
      tx-power=25 tx-power-mode=all-rates-fixed noise-floor-threshold=default
      periodic-calibration=default periodic-calibration-interval=60 burst-time=disabled
      dfs-mode=radar-detect antenna-mode=ant-a wds-mode=disabled wds-default-bridge=none
      wds-default-cost=100 wds-cost-range=50-150 wds-ignore-ssid=no
      update-stats-interval=disabled default-authentication=no default-forwarding=yes
      default-ap-tx-limit=0 default-client-tx-limit=0 proprietary-extensions=post-2.9.25
      hide-ssid=yes security-profile=isffwep disconnect-timeout=15s on-fail-retry-time=500ms
      preamble-mode=both compression=no allow-sharedkey=no
magnetic declination

I find that the declination for the ahats site (36 deg 1' 15" N, 119 deg 53' 45" W from hats logbook) is 13 deg 40' E.  The datascope is set at 13.4 deg E.

Changed 3m profile sonic

When we raised the 3m sonic, we pinched the cable from the head at the connector (bent it back on itself).  This appears to have damaged the cable (high diag and questionable wind direction data), so this morning (June 27) we replaced sonic S/N 0739 with S/N 1124 around 11:30 am.

 10/27/08:  It appears that S/N 1124 was recalibrated on 7/31/08, so it is possible that these serial numbers are reversed, i.e. we replaced 1124 with 0739.

Changed profile heights

Yesterday afternoon, June 26, Kurt and Laura raised 3m and 4m sonics and TRH about a foot to match as-built heights  of horizontal array sensors.  Will measure actual heights soon.

Specific Sonic Locations; Wide Array:

Note: Sensors shown in table organized from Southwest end of array to the Northeast end of the array.

UpWind Array of PAM tripods (spacing nominally 4m, array line parallel to and 16m NW from 'downwind').











horiz index










3.2m sonic s/n










upwind serial port










DownWind Array of PAM tripods (spacing nominally 4m).  Height is roughly what we used....confirm this

Note that sonics 744 (b4), 745 (b 5) and 376 (b6) are plugged into  the wrong sequence of ports: downwind-1 ports 8, 6, 7















horiz index














3.2m sonic s/n














downwind (1 or 2) serial port














Pressure 3.2m














4.2m sonic s/n














downwind (1 or 2) serial port














Pressure 4.2m









Profile Tower

height (m)







sonic s/n







profile serial port







I downloaded the sonic configs as follows:

Sequence to download sonic configurations:

rserial /dev/ttyS# {downwind1,downwind2,upwind,profile}

where # = serial port
T (end data output and enter sonic terminal mode)
??<return> (output configuration)
D (exit terminal mode and restart data output)
<control> D (to get out of rserial)

S1: (b1)
ET= 60 ts=i XD=d GN=121a TK=1 UP=5 FK=0 RN=1 IT=1 DR=102 rx=2 fx=038 BX=0 AH=1  AT=0 RS=1 BR=0 RI=1 GO=00000 HA=0 6X=3 3X=2 PD=2 SD=0 ?d tf=02600 02600 02600\r\nWM=o ar=0 ZZ=0 DC=1  ELo=010 010 010 ELb=010 010 010 TNo=ccc d TNb=ccb JD= 007\r\nC0o=-2-2-2 C0b=-2-2-2 RC=0 tlo=8 8 8 tlb=8 8 8  CA=1 TD=  duty=094  AQ= 60 AC=1 CD=0 SR=1 UX=0 MX=0 DTU=02320 ss=1 XP=2 RF=018 DS=007 SN0853 12jun08 JC=3 CB=3  MD=5 DF=05000 RNA=1 sa=1 rev 3.0f cs=20347 &=1 os=

S2: (b2)
ET= 60 ts=i XD=d GN=201a TK=1 P=5 FK=0 RN=1 IT=1 DR=102 rx=2 fx=038 BX=0 AH=1  AT=0 RS=1 BR=0 RI=1 GO=00000 HA=0 6X=3 3X=2 PD=2 SD=0 ?d tf=02600 02600 02600\r\nWM=o ar=0 ZZ=0 DC=1  ELo=010 010 010 ELb=010 010 010 TNo=adb d TNb=bca JD= 007\r\nC0o=-2-2-2 C0b=-2-2-2 RC=0 tlo=8 8 8 tlb=8 8 8  CA=1 TD=  duty=094  AQ= 60 AC=1 CD=0 SR=1 X=0 MX=0 DT=02320 ss=1 XP=2 RF=018 DS=007 SN1117 11jun08 JC=3 CB=3  MD=5 DF=05000 RNA=1 sa=1 rev 3.0f cs=45458 &=0 os=

S5: (b3)
ET= 60 ts=i XD=d GN=111a TK=1 UP=5 FK=0 RN=1 IT=1 DR=102 rx=2 fx=038 BX=0 AH=1  AT=0 RS=1 BR=0 RI=1 GO=00000 HA=0 6X=3 3X=2 PD=2 SD=0 ?d tf=02600 02600 02600\r\nWM=o ar=0 ZZ=0 DC=1  ELo=010 010 011 ELb=010 010 008 TNo=eee d TNb=ded JD= 007\r\nC0o=-2-2-2 C0b=-2-2-2 RC=0 tlo=8 8 9 tlb=8 8 6  CA=1 TD=  duty=094  AQ= 60 AC=1 CD=0 SR=1 UX=0 MX=0 DTU=02320 ss=1 XP=2 RF=018 DS=007 SN0800 14sep06 JC=3 CB=3  MD=5 DF=05000 RNA=1 sa=1 rev 3.0f cs=22282 &=1 os=

S6: (b5) Note scramble of S6 - S8 w.r.t. sonic location
ET= 60 ts=i XD=d GN=100a TK=1 UP=5 FK=0 RN=1 IT=1 DR=102 rx=2 fx=038 BX=0 AH=1  AT=0 RS=1 BR=0 RI=1 GO=00000 HA=0 6X=3 3X=2 PD=2 SD=0 ?d tf=02600 02600 02600\r\nWM=o ar=0 ZZ=0 DC=1  ELo=010 010 010 ELb=010 010 010 TNo=dcf d TNb=ede JD= 007\r\nC0o=-2-2-2 C0b=-2-2-2 RC=0 tlo=8 8 8 tlb=8 8 8  CA=1 TD=  duty=093  AQ= 60 AC=1 CD=0 SR=1 UX=0 MX=0 DTU=02320 ss=1 XP=2 RF=018 DS=007 SN0745 05nov07 JC=3 CB=3  MD=5 DF=05000 RNA=1 sa=1 rev 3.0f cs=46481 &=1 os=

S7: (b6) Note scramble of S6 - S8 w.r.t. sonic location
EEProm_sig=28394. Prom_sig=17263. \n>T\n>\r\n>??\r\nET= 60 ts=i XD=d GN=222a TK=1 UP=5 FK=0 RN=1 IT=1 DR=102 rx=2 fx=038 BX=0 AH=1  AT=0 RS=1 BR=0 RI=1 GO=00000 HA=0 6X=3 3X=2 PD=2 SD=0 ?d tf=02600 02600 02600\r\nWM=o ar=0 ZZ=0 DC=1  ELo=010 010 010 ELb=010 010 010 TNo=dde d TNb=dee JD= 007\r\nC0o=-2-2-2 C0b=-2-2-2 RC=0 tlo=8 8 8 tlb=8 8 8  CA=1 TD=  duty=094  AQ= 60 AC=1 CD=0 SR=1 UX=0 MX=0 DTU=02320 ss=1 XP=2 RF=018 DS=007 SN0376 09nov07 JC=3 CB=3  MD=5 DF=05000 RNA=1 sa=1 rev 3.0f cs=28394 &=1 os=

S8: (b4) Note scramble of S6 - S8 w.r.t. sonic location
ET= 60 ts=i XD=d GN=112a TK=1 UP=5 FK=0 RN=1 IT=1 DR=102 rx=2 fx=038 BX=0 AH=1  AT=0 RS=1 BR=0 RI=1 GO=00000 HA=0 6X=3 3X=2 PD=2 SD=0 ?d tf=02600 02600 02600\r\nWM=o ar=0 ZZ=0 DC=1  ELo=008 010 010 ELb=010 010 010 TNo=eeb d TNb=eec JD= 007\r\nC0o=-2-2-2 C0b=-2-2-2 RC=0 tlo=6 8 8 tlb=8 8 8  CA=1 TD=  duty=092  AQ= 60 AC=1 CD=0 SR=1 UX=0 MX=0 DTU=02320 ss=1 XP=2 RF=018 DS=007 SN0744 07nov07 JC=3 CB=3  MD=5 DF=05000 RNA=1 sa=1 rev 3.0f cs=10244 &=1 os=

S9: (t3)
EEProm_sig=18961. Prom_sig=47942. \n>??\r\nET= 60 ts=i XD=d GN=332a TK=1 UP=5 FK=0 RN=1 IT=1 DR=102 rx=2 fx=038 BX=0 AH=1  AT=0 RS=1 BR=0 RI=1 GO=00000 HA=0 6X=3 3X=2 PD=2 SD=0 ?d sa=1\r\nWM=o ar=0 ZZ=0 DC=1  ELo=010 010 010 ELb=010 010 010 TNo=dee d TNb=ded JD= 007\r\nC0o=-2-2-2 C0b=-2-2-2 RC=0 tlo=8 8 8 tlb=8 8 8 DTR=01740 CA=1 TD=  duty=086     AQ= 60 AC=1 CD=0 SR=1 UX=0 MX=0 DTU=02320 DTC=01160 RD=o ss=1 XP=2 RF=018 DS=007 SN0738 28mar03 HF=005 JC=3 CB=3 MD=5 DF=05000 RNA=1 rev 3.0a cs=18961 &=1 os=

S10: (t4)
Reset. EEProm_sig=30038. Prom_sig=17263. \n>??D\r\nET= 60 ts=i XD=d GN=210a TK=1 UP=5 FK=0 RN=1 IT=1 DR=102 rx=2 fx=038 BX=0 AH=1  AT=0 RS=1 BR=0 RI=1 GO=00000 HA=0 6X=3 3X=2 PD=2 SD=0 ?d tf=02600 02600 02600\r\nWM=o ar=0 ZZ=0 DC=1  ELo=010 010 010 ELb=010 010 010 TNo=bcb d TNb=acd JD= 007\r\nC0o=-2-2-2 C0b=-2-2-2 RC=0 tlo=8 8 8 tlb=8 8 8  CA=1 TD=  duty=093  AQ= 60 AC=1 CD=0 SR=1 UX=0 MX=0 DTU=02320 ss=1 XP=2 RF=018 DS=007 SN0856 14nov07 JC=3 CB=3  MD=5 DF=05000 RNA=1 sa=1 rev 3.0f cs=30038 &=1 os=

S11: (t5)
Reset. EEProm_sig=07083. Prom_sig=17263. \n>??\r\nET= 60 ts=i XD=d GN=311a TK=1 UP=5 FK=0 RN=1 IT=1 DR=102 rx=2 fx=038 BX=0 AH=1  AT=0 RS=1 BR=0 RI=1 GO=00000 HA=0 6X=3 3X=2 PD=2 SD=0 ?d tf=02600 02600 02600\r\nWM=o ar=0 ZZ=0 DC=1  ELo=010 010 010 ELb=010 010 010 TNo=9cc d TNb=adc JD= 007\r\nC0o=-2-2-2 C0b=-2-2-2 RC=0 tlo=8 8 8 tlb=8 8 8  CA=1 TD=  duty=093  AQ= 60 AC=1 CD=0 SR=1 UX=0 MX=0 DTU=02320 ss=1 XP=2 RF=018 DS=007 SN0712 08nov07 JC=3 CB=3  MD=5 DF=05000 RNA=1 sa=1 rev 3.0f cs=07083 &=1 os=

S12: (t6)
EEProm_sig=62873. Prom_sig=17263. \n>??\r\nET= 60 ts=i XD=d GN=222a TK=1 UP=5 FK=0 RN=1 IT=1 DR=102 rx=2 fx=038 BX=0 AH=1  AT=0 RS=1 BR=0 RI=1 GO=00000 HA=0 6X=3 3X=2 PD=2 SD=0 ?d tf=02600 02600 02600\r\nWM=o ar=0 ZZ=0 DC=1  ELo=009 010 009 ELb=009 010 009 TNo=bcd d TNb=dcc JD= 007\r\nC0o=-2-2-2 C0b=-2-2-2 RC=0 tlo=7 8 7 tlb=7 8 7  CA=1 TD=  duty=091  AQ= 60 AC=1 CD=0 SR=1 UX=0 MX=0 DTU=02320 ss=1 XP=2 RF=018 DS=007 SN0672 14nov07 JC=3 CB=3  MD=5 DF=05000 RNA=1 sa=1 rev 3.0f cs=62873 &=1 os=


S1: (b7)
EEProm_sig=49554. Prom_sig=17263. \n>??D\r\nET= 60 ts=i XD=d GN=131a TK=1 UP=5 FK=0 RN=1 IT=1 DR=102 rx=2 fx=038 BX=0 AH=1  AT=0 RS=1 BR=0 RI=1 GO=00000 HA=0 6X=3 3X=2 PD=2 SD=0 ?d tf=02600 02600 02600\r\nWM=o ar=0 ZZ=0 DC=1  ELo=010 009 010 ELb=010 009 010 TNo=ecc d TNb=cdd JD= 007\r\nC0o=-2-2-2 C0b=-2-2-2 RC=0 tlo=8 7 8 tlb=8 7 8  CA=1 TD=  duty=092  AQ= 60 AC=1 CD=0 SR=1 UX=0 MX=0 DTU=02320 ss=1 XP=2 RF=018 DS=007 SN0671 31oct07 JC=3 CB=3  MD=5 DF=05000 RNA=1 sa=1 rev 3.0f cs=49554 &=1 os=

S2: (b8)
ET= 60 ts=i XD=d GN=121a TK=1 UP=5 FK=0 RN=1 IT=1 DR=102 rx=2 fx=038 BX=0 AH=1  AT=0 RS=1 BR=0 RI=1 GO=00000 HA=0 6X=3 3X=2 PD=2 SD=0 ?d sa=1\r\nWM=o ar=0 ZZ=0 DC=1  ELo=010 010 010 ELb=010 010 010 TNo=eed d TNb=ded JD= 007\r\nC0o=-2-2-2 C0b=-2-2-2 RC=0 tlo=8 8 8 tlb=8 8 8 DTR=01740 CA=1 TD=  duty=084     AQ= 60 AC=1 CD=0 SR=1 UX=0 MX=0 DTU=02320 DTC=01160 RD=o ss=1 XP=2 RF=018 DS=007 SN0364 27may04 HF=005 JC=3 CB=3 MD=5 DF=05000 RNA=1 rev 3.0a cs=14725 &=1 os=

S5: (b9)
EEProm_sig=21246. Prom_sig=17263. \n>??\r\nET= 60 ts=i XD=d GN=201a TK=1 UP=5 FK=0 RN=1 IT=1 DR=102 rx=2 fx=038 BX=0 AH=1  AT=0 RS=1 BR=0 RI=1 GO=00000 HA=0 6X=3 3X=2 PD=2 SD=0 ?d tf=02600 02600 02600\r\nWM=o ar=0 ZZ=0 DC=1  ELo=007 010 010 ELb=010 010 010 TNo=8cd d TNb=adc JD= 007\r\nC0o=-2-2-2 C0b=-2-2-2 RC=0 tlo=5 8 8 tlb=8 8 8  CA=1 TD=  duty=091  AQ= 60 AC=1 CD=0 SR=1 UX=0 MX=0 DTU=02320 ss=1 XP=2 RF=018 DS=007 SN0743 07nov07 JC=3 CB=3  MD=5 DF=05000 RNA=1 sa=1 rev 3.0f cs=21246 &=1 os=

S6: (b10)
EEProm_sig=27043. Prom_sig=17263. \n>??\r\nET= 60 ts=i XD=d GN=221a TK=1 UP=5 FK=0 RN=1 IT=1 DR=102 rx=2 fx=038 BX=0 AH=1  AT=0 RS=1 BR=0 RI=1 GO=00000 HA=0 6X=3 3X=2 PD=2 SD=0 ?d tf=02600 02600 02600\r\nWM=o ar=0 ZZ=0 DC=1  ELo=010 010 010 ELb=010 010 010 TNo=dde d TNb=cce JD= 007\r\nC0o=-2-2-2 C0b=-2-2-2 RC=0 tlo=8 8 8 tlb=8 8 8  CA=1 TD=  duty=095  AQ= 60 AC=1 CD=0 SR=1 UX=0 MX=0 DTU=02320 ss=1 XP=2 RF=018 DS=007 SN0538 02aug06 JC=3 CB=3  MD=5 DF=05000 RNA=1 sa=1 rev 3.0f cs=27043 &=1 os=

S7: (b11)
EEProm_sig=47381. Prom_sig=17263. \n>??\r\nET= 60 ts=i XD=d GN=221a TK=1 UP=5 FK=0 RN=1 IT=1 DR=102 rx=2 fx=038 BX=0 AH=1  AT=0 RS=1 BR=0 RI=1 GO=00000 HA=0 6X=3 3X=2 PD=2 SD=0 ?d tf=02600 02600 02600\r\nWM=o ar=0 ZZ=0 DC=1  ELo=010 011 010 ELb=011 010 010 TNo=ebe d TNb=ebd JD= 007\r\nC0o=-2-2-2 C0b=-2-2-2 RC=0 tlo=8 9 8 tlb=9 8 8  CA=1 TD=  duty=095  AQ= 60 AC=1 CD=0 SR=1 UX=0 MX=0 DTU=02320 ss=1 XP=2 RF=018 DS=007 SN0855 01nov07 JC=3 CB=3  MD=5 DF=05000 RNA=1 sa=1 rev 3.0f cs=47381 &=1 os=

S8: (b12)
EEProm_sig=60173. Prom_sig=17263. \n>??\r\nET= 60 ts=i XD=d GN=112a TK=1 UP=5 FK=0 RN=1 IT=1 DR=102 rx=2 fx=038 BX=0 AH=1  AT=0 RS=1 BR=0 RI=1 GO=00000 HA=0 6X=3 3X=2 PD=2 SD=0 ?d tf=02600 02600 02600\r\nWM=o ar=0 ZZ=0 DC=1  ELo=010 010 010 ELb=010 010 010 TNo=ede d TNb=ede JD= 007\r\nC0o=-2-2-2 C0b=-2-2-2 RC=0 tlo=8 8 8 tlb=8 8 8  CA=1 TD=  duty=094  AQ= 60 AC=1 CD=0 SR=1 UX=0 MX=0 DTU=02320 ss=1 XP=2 RF=018 DS=007 SN0377 12jan07 JC=3 CB=3  MD=5 DF=05000 RNA=1 sa=1 rev 3.0f cs=60173 &=1 os=

S9: (b13)
EEProm_sig=04641. Prom_sig=17263. \n>??\r\nET= 60 ts=i XD=d GN=111a TK=1 UP=5 FK=0 RN=1 IT=1 DR=102 rx=2 fx=038 BX=0 AH=1  AT=0 RS=1 BR=0 RI=1 GO=00000 HA=0 6X=3 3X=2 PD=2 SD=0 ?d tf=02600 02600 02600\r\nWM=o ar=0 ZZ=0 DC=1  ELo=008 010 010 ELb=010 010 008 TNo=ecc d TNb=dbc JD= 007\r\nC0o=-2-2-2 C0b=-2-2-2 RC=0 tlo=6 8 8 tlb=8 8 6  CA=1 TD=  duty=089  AQ= 60 AC=1 CD=0 SR=1 UX=0 MX=0 DTU=02320 ss=1 XP=2 RF=018 DS=007 SN0741 31oct07 JC=3 CB=3  MD=5 DF=05000 RNA=1 sa=1 rev 3.0f cs=04641 &=1 os=

S10: (t7)
EEProm_sig=38472. Prom_sig=17263. \n>??\r\nET= 60 ts=i XD=d GN=111a TK=1 UP=5 FK=0 RN=1 IT=1 DR=102 rx=2 fx=038 BX=0 AH=1  AT=0 RS=1 BR=0 RI=1 GO=00000 HA=0 6X=3 3X=2 PD=2 SD=0 ?d tf=02600 02600 02600\r\nWM=o ar=0 ZZ=0 DC=1  ELo=010 010 010 ELb=010 010 010 TNo=edc d TNb=ddd JD= 007\r\nC0o=-2-2-2 C0b=-2-2-2 RC=0 tlo=8 8 8 tlb=8 8 8  CA=1 TD=  duty=093  AQ= 60 AC=1 CD=0 SR=1 UX=0 MX=0 DTU=02320 ss=1 XP=2 RF=018 DS=007 SN0540 14nov07 JC=3 CB=3  MD=5 DF=05000 RNA=1 sa=1 rev 3.0f cs=38472 &=1 os=

S11: (t8)
EEProm_sig=38141. Prom_sig=17263. \n>??\r\nET= 60 ts=i XD=d GN=221a TK=1 UP=5 FK=0 RN=1 IT=1 DR=102 rx=2 fx=038 BX=0 AH=1  AT=0 RS=1 BR=0 RI=1 GO=00000 HA=0 6X=3 3X=2 PD=2 SD=0 ?d tf=02600 02600 02600\r\nWM=o ar=0 ZZ=0 DC=1  ELo=010 010 010 ELb=010 010 010 TNo=ede d TNb=edd JD= 007\r\nC0o=-2-2-2 C0b=-2-2-2 RC=0 tlo=8 8 8 tlb=8 8 8  CA=1 TD=  duty=094  AQ= 60 AC=1 CD=0 SR=1 UX=0 MX=0 DTU=02320 ss=1 XP=2 RF=018 DS=007 SN0378 01nov07 JC=3 CB=3  MD=5 DF=05000 RNA=1 sa=1 rev 3.0f cs=38141 &=1 os=

s12: (t9)
EEProm_sig=29072. Prom_sig=47942. \n>??\r\nET= 60 ts=i XD=d GN=212a TK=1 UP=5 FK=0 RN=1 IT=1 DR=102 rx=2 fx=038 BX=0 AH=1  AT=0 RS=1 BR=0 RI=1 GO=00000 HA=0 6X=3 3X=2 PD=2 SD=0 ?d sa=1\r\nWM=o ar=0 ZZ=0 DC=1  ELo=010 010 010 ELb=010 010 010 TNo=cce d TNb=cad JD= 007\r\nC0o=-2-2-2 C0b=-2-2-2 RC=0 tlo=8 8 8 tlb=8 8 8 DTR=01740 CA=1 TD=  duty=086     AQ= 60 AC=1 CD=0 SR=1 UX=0 MX=0 DTU=02320 DTC=01160 RD=o ss=1 XP=2 RF=018 DS=007 SN0367 2D8may04 HF=005 JC=3 CB=3 MD=5 DF=05000 RNA=1 rev 3.0a cs=29072 &=1 os=

S13: (t10)
EEProm_sig=27999. Prom_sig=17263. \n>??\r\nET= 60 ts=i XD=d GN=222a TK=1 UP=5 FK=0 RN=1 IT=1 DR=102 rx=2 fx=038 BX=0 AH=1  AT=0 RS=1 BR=0 RI=1 GO=00000 HA=0 6X=3 3X=2 PD=2 SD=0 ?d tf=02600 02600 02600\r\nWM=o ar=0 ZZ=0 DC=1  ELo=010 010 010 ELb=009 010 010 TNo=efd d TNb=ffe JD= 007\r\nC0o=-2-2-2 C0b=-2-2-2 RC=0 tlo=8 8 8 tlb=7 8 8  CA=1 TD=  duty=093  AQ= 60 AC=1 CD=0 SR=1 UX=0 MX=0 DTU=02320 ss=1 XP=2 RF=018 DS=007 SN0366 05nov07 JC=3 CB=3  MD=5 DF=05000 RNA=1 sa=1 rev 3.0f cs=27999 &=1 os=

S14: (t11)
EEProm_sig=51601. Prom_sig=17263. \n>??\r\nET= 60 ts=i XD=d GN=222a TK=1 UP=5 FK=0 RN=1 IT=1 DR=102 rx=2 fx=038 BX=0 AH=1  AT=0 RS=1 BR=0 RI=1 GO=00000 HA=0 6X=3 3X=2 PD=2 SD=0 ?d tf=02600 02600 02600\r\nWM=o ar=0 ZZ=0 DC=1  ELo=010 010 010 ELb=010 010 010 TNo=dbc d TNb=cbc JD= 007\r\nC0o=-2-2-2 C0b=-2-2-2 RC=0 tlo=8 8 8 tlb=8 8 8  CA=1 TD=  duty=094  AQ= 60 AC=1 CD=0 SR=1 UX=0 MX=0 DTU=02320 ss=1 XP=2 RF=018 DS=007 SN0247 20oct06 JC=3 CB=3  MD=5 DF=05000 RNA=1 sa=1 rev 3.0f cs=51601 &=1 os=


S1: (u3)
EEProm_sig=05088. Prom_sig=17263. \n>??\r\nET= 60 ts=i XD=d GN=211a TK=1 UP=5 FK=0 RN=1 IT=1 DR=102 rx=2 fx=038 BX=0 AH=1  AT=0 RS=1 BR=0 RI=1 GO=00000 HA=0 6X=3 3X=2 PD=2 SD=0 ?d tf=02600 02600 02600\r\nWM=o ar=0 ZZ=0 DC=1  ELo=010 010 010 ELb=010 010 010 TNo=dfd d TNb=dee JD= 007\r\nC0o=-2-2-2 C0b=-2-2-2 RC=0 tlo=8 8 8 tlb=8 8 8  CA=1 TD=  duty=094  AQ= 60 AC=1 CD=0 SR=1 UX=0 MX=0 DTU=02320 ss=1 XP=2 RF=018 DS=007 SN0539 06nov07 JC=3 CB=3  MD=5 DF=05000 RNA=1 sa=1 rev 3.0f cs=05088 &=1 os=

S2: (u4)
ET= 60 ts=i XD=d GN=101a TK=1 UP=5 FK=0 RN=1 IT=1 DR=102 rx=2 fx=038 BX=0 AH=1  AT=0 RS=1 BR=0 RI=1 GO=00000 HA=0 6X=3 3X=2 PD=2 SD=0 ?d tf=02600 02600 02600\r\nWM=o ar=0 ZZ=0 DC=1  ELo=010 010 010 ELb=010 010 010 TNo=ecf d TNb=eee JD= 007\r\nC0o=-2-2-2 C0b=-2-2-2 RC=0 tlo=8 8 8 tlb=8 8 8  CA=1 TD=  duty=094  AQ= 60 AC=1 CD=0 SR=1 UX=0 MX=0 DTU=02320 ss=1 XP=2 RF=018 DS=007 SN0536 06nov07 JC=3 CB=3  MD=5 DF=05000 RNA=1 sa=1 rev 3.0f cs=40143 &=1 os=

S5: (u5)
EEProm_sig=06092. Prom_sig=17263. \n>??\r\nET= 60 ts=i XD=d GN=221a TK=1 UP=5 FK=0 RN=1 IT=1 DR=102 rx=2 fx=038 BX=0 AH=1  AT=0 RS=1 BR=0 RI=1 GO=00000 HA=0 6X=3 3X=2 PD=2 SD=0 ?d tf=02600 02600 02600\r\nWM=o ar=0 ZZ=0 DC=1  ELo=010 010 010 ELb=010 010 010 TNo=cce d TNb=dce JD= 007\r\nC0o=-2-2-2 C0b=-2-2-2 RC=0 tlo=8 8 8 tlb=8 8 8  CA=1 TD=  duty=095  AQ= 60 AC=1 CD=0 SR=1 UX=0 MX=0 DTU=02320 ss=1 XP=2 RF=018 DS=007 SN0677 30oct07 JC=3 CB=3  MD=5 DF=05000 RNA=1 sa=1 rev 3.0f cs=06092 &=1 os=

S6: (u6)
EProm_sig=60317. Prom_sig=17263. \n>??\r\nET= 60 ts=i XD=d GN=222a TK=1 UP=5 FK=0 RN=1 IT=1 DR=102 rx=2 fx=038 BX=0 AH=1  AT=0 RS=1 BR=0 RI=1 GO=00000 HA=0 6X=3 3X=2 PD=2 SD=0 ?d tf=02600 02600 02600\r\nWM=o ar=0 ZZ=0 DC=1  ELo=010 010 009 ELb=009 009 010 TNo=9de d TNb=7ed JD= 007\r\nC0o=-2-2-2 C0b=-2-2-2 RC=0 tlo=8 8 7 tlb=7 7 8  CA=1 TD=  duty=091  AQ= 60 AC=1 CD=0 SR=1 UX=0 MX=0 DTU=02320 ss=1 XP=2 RF=018 DS=007 SN0674 09nov07 JC=3 CB=3  MD=5 DF=05000 RNA=1 sa=1 rev 3.0f cs=60317 &=1 os=

S7: (u7)
ET= 60 ts=i XD=d GN=111a TK=1 UP=5 FK=0 RN=1 IT=1 DR=102 rx=2 fx=038 BX=0 AH=1  AT=0 RS=1 BR=0 RI=1 GO=00000 HA=0 6X=3 3X=2 PD=2 SD=0 ?d tf=02600 02600 02600\r\nWM=o ar=0 ZZ=0 DC=1  ELo=010 010 010 ELb=010 010 010 TNo=dbc d TNb=dcd JD= 007\r\nC0o=-2-2-2 C0b=-2-2-2 RC=0 tlo=8 8 8 tlb=8 8 8  CA=1 TD=  duty=094  AQ= 60 AC=1 CD=0 SR=1 UX=0 MX=0 DTU=02320 ss=1 XP=2 RF=018 DS=007 SN1119 19nov07 JC=3 CB=3  MD=5 DF=05000 RNA=1 sa=1 rev 3.0f cs=59940 &=1 os=

s8: (u8)
EProm_sig=59504. Prom_sig=17263. \n>??\r\nET= 60 ts=i XD=d GN=223a TK=1 UP=5 FK=0 RN=1 IT=1 DR=102 rx=2 fx=038 BX=0 AH=1  AT=0 RS=1 BR=0 RI=1 GO=00000 HA=0 6X=3 3X=2 PD=2 SD=0 ?d tf=02600 02600 02600\r\nWM=o ar=0 ZZ=0 DC=1  ELo=009 010 010 ELb=009 010 009 TNo=fdc d TNb=ddd JD= 007\r\nC0o=-2-2-2 C0b=-2-2-2 RC=0 tlo=7 8 8 tlb=7 8 7  CA=1 TD=  duty=092  AQ= 60 AC=1 CD=0 SR=1 UX=0 MX=0 DTU=02320 ss=1 XP=2 RF=018 DS=007 SN0673 13nov07 JC=3 CB=3  MD=5 DF=05000 RNA=1 sa=1 rev 3.0f cs=59504 &=1 os=

S9: (u9)
EEProm_sig=52525. Prom_sig=17263. \n>??\r\nET= 60 ts=i XD=d GN=111a TK=1 UP=5 FK=0 RN=1 IT=1 DR=102 rx=2 fx=038 BX=0 AH=1  AT=0 RS=1 BR=0 RI=1 GO=00000 HA=0 6X=3 3X=2 PD=2 SD=0 ?d tf=02600 02600 02600\r\nWM=o ar=0 ZZ=0 DC=1  ELo=010 010 010 ELb=010 010 010 TNo=ada d TNb=ad8 JD= 007\r\nC0o=-2-2-2 C0b=-2-2-2 RC=0 tlo=8 8 8 tlb=8 8 8  CA=1 TD=  duty=093  AQ= 60 AC=1 CD=0 SR=1 UX=0 MX=0 DTU=02320 ss=1 XP=2 RF=018 DS=007 SN1121 26jun06 JC=3 CB=3  MD=5 DF=05000 RNA=1 sa=1 rev 3.0f cs=52525 &=1 os=

S10: (u10)
EEProm_sig=59030. Prom_sig=17263. \n>??\r\nET= 60 ts=i XD=d GN=011a TK=1 UP=5 FK=0 RN=1 IT=1 DR=102 rx=2 fx=038 BX=0 AH=1  AT=0 RS=1 BR=0 RI=1 GO=00000 HA=0 6X=3 3X=2 PD=2 SD=0 ?d tf=02600 02600 02600\r\nWM=o ar=0 ZZ=0 DC=1  ELo=010 010 010 ELb=010 010 010 TNo=dde d TNb=eed JD= 007\r\nC0o=-2-2-2 C0b=-2-2-2 RC=0 tlo=8 8 8 tlb=8 8 8  CA=1 TD=  duty=094  AQ= 60 AC=1 CD=0 SR=1 UX=0 MX=0 DTU=02320 ss=1 XP=2 RF=018 DS=007 SN1123 06nov07 JC=3 CB=3  MD=5 DF=05000 RNA=1 sa=1 rev 3.0f cs=59030 &=1 os=

S11: (u11)
EEProm_sig=29356. Prom_sig=17263. \n>??\r\nET= 60 ts=i XD=d GN=121a TK=1 UP=5 FK=0 RN=1 IT=1 DR=102 rx=2 fx=038 BX=0 AH=1  AT=0 RS=1 BR=0 RI=1 GO=00000 HA=0 6X=3 3X=2 PD=2 SD=0 ?d tf=02600 02600 02600\r\nWM=o ar=0 ZZ=0 DC=1  ELo=010 011 010 ELb=010 011 010 TNo=ccd d TNb=ccd JD= 007\r\nC0o=-2-2-2 C0b=-2-2-2 RC=0 tlo=8 9 8 tlb=8 9 8  CA=1 TD=  duty=096  AQ= 60 AC=1 CD=0 SR=1 UX=0 MX=0 DTU=02320 ss=1 XP=2 RF=018 DS=007 SN1122 19jun06 JC=3 CB=3  MD=5 DF=05000 RNA=1 sa=1 rev 3.0f cs=29356 &=1 os=


S1: (1.5m)
EEProm_sig=39009. Prom_sig=17263. \n>??\r\nET= 60 ts=i XD=d GN=000a TK=1 UP=5 FK=0 RN=1 IT=1 DR=102 rx=2 fx=038 BX=0 AH=1  AT=0 RS=1 BR=0 RI=1 GO=00000 HA=0 6X=3 3X=2 PD=2 SD=0 ?d tf=02600 02600 02600\r\nWM=o ar=0 ZZ=0 DC=1  ELo=010 010 010 ELb=010 010 010 TNo=ecf d TNb=ddf JD= 007\r\nC0o=-2-2-2 C0b=-2-2-2 RC=0 tlo=8 8 8 tlb=8 8 8  CA=1 TD=  duty=093  AQ= 60 AC=1 CD=0 SR=1 UX=0 MX=0 DTU=02320 ss=1 XP=2 RF=018 DS=007 SN0732 16nov07 JC=3 CB=3  MD=5 DF=05000 RNA=1 sa=1 rev 3.0f cs=39009 &=1 os=

S2: (3m)
ET= 60 ts=i XD=d GN=110a TK=1 UP=5 FK=0 RN=1 IT=1 DR=102 rx=2 fx=038 BX=0 AH=1  AT=0 RS=1 BR=0 RI=1 GO=00000 HA=0 6X=3 3X=2 PD=2 SD=0 ?d tf=02600 02600 02600\r\nWM=o ar=0 ZZ=0 DC=1  ELo=009 009 010 ELb=009 009 010 TNo=eee d TNb=eee JD= 007\r\nC0o=-2-2-2 C0b=-2-2-2 RC=0 tlo=7 7 8 tlb=7 7 8  CA=1 TD=  duty=089  AQ= 60 AC=1 CD=0 SR=1 UX=0 MX=0 DTU=02320 ss=1 XP=2 RF=018 DS=007 SN0739 05jun08 JC=3 CB=3  MD=5 DF=05000 RNA=1 sa=1 rev 3.0f cs=43113 &=1 os=

S5: (4m)
EEProm_sig=26065. Prom_sig=17263. \n>??\r\nET= 60 ts=i XD=d GN=201a TK=1 UP=5 FK=0 RN=1 IT=1 DR=102 rx=2 fx=038 BX=0 AH=1  AT=0 RS=1 BR=0 RI=1 GO=00000 HA=0 6X=3 3X=2 PD=2 SD=0 ?d tf=02600 02600 02600\r\nWM=o ar=0 ZZ=0 DC=1  ELo=010 010 010 ELb=010 010 010 TNo=bed d TNb=bed JD= 007\r\nC0o=-2-2-2 C0b=-2-2-2 RC=0 tlo=8 8 8 tlb=8 8 8  CA=1 TD=  duty=094  AQ= 60 AC=1 CD=0 SR=1 UX=0 MX=0 DTU=02320 ss=1 XP=2 RF=018 DS=007 SN0740 15nov07 JC=3 CB=3  MD=5 DF=05000 RNA=1 sa=1 rev 3.0f cs=26065 &=1 os=

S6: (5.5m)
EEProm_sig=33258. Prom_sig=17263. \n>??\r\nET= 60 ts=i XD=d GN=121a TK=1 UP=5 FK=0 RN=1 IT=1 DR=102 rx=2 fx=038 BX=0 AH=1  AT=0 RS=1 BR=0 RI=1 GO=00000 HA=0 6X=3 3X=2 PD=2 SD=0 ?d tf=02600 02600 02600\r\nWM=o ar=0 ZZ=0 DC=1  ELo=010 009 010 ELb=010 010 010 TNo=eee d TNb=ede JD= 007\r\nC0o=-2-2-2 C0b=-2-2-2 RC=0 tlo=8 7 8 tlb=8 8 8  CA=1 TD=  duty=093  AQ= 60 AC=1 CD=0 SR=1 UX=0 MX=0 DTU=02320 ss=1 XP=2 RF=018 DS=007 SN0537 01sep06 JC=3 CB=3  MD=5 DF=05000 RNA=1 sa=1 rev 3.0f cs=33258 &=1 os=

S7: (7m)
EEProm_sig=08513. Prom_sig=17263. \n>??\r\nET= 60 ts=i XD=d GN=222a TK=1 UP=5 FK=0 RN=1 IT=1 DR=102 rx=2 fx=038 BX=0 AH=1  AT=0 RS=1 BR=0 RI=1 GO=00000 HA=0 6X=3 3X=2 PD=2 SD=0 ?d tf=02600 02600 02600\r\nWM=o ar=0 ZZ=0 DC=1  ELo=010 010 010 ELb=010 008 010 TNo=deb d TNb=beb JD= 007\r\nC0o=-2-2-2 C0b=-2-2-2 RC=0 tlo=8 8 8 tlb=8 6 8  CA=1 TD=  duty=092  AQ= 60 AC=1 CD=0 SR=1 UX=0 MX=0 DTU=02320 ss=1 XP=2 RF=018 DS=007 SN0720 05nov07 JC=3 CB=3  MD=5 DF=05000 RNA=1 sa=1 rev 3.0f cs=08513 &=1 os=

S8: (8m)
EEProm_sig=43188. Prom_sig=17263. \n>??\r\nET= 60 ts=i XD=d GN=010a TK=1 UP=5 FK=0 RN=1 IT=1 DR=102 rx=2 fx=038 BX=0 AH=1  AT=0 RS=1 BR=0 RI=1 GO=00000 HA=0 6X=3 3X=2 PD=2 SD=0 ?d tf=02600 02600 02600\r\nWM=o ar=0 ZZ=0 DC=1  ELo=010 010 008 ELb=010 010 008 TNo=ede d TNb=edd JD= 007\r\nC0o=-2-2-2 C0b=-2-2-2 RC=0 tlo=8 8 6 tlb=8 8 6  CA=1 TD=  duty=088  AQ= 60 AC=1 CD=0 SR=1 UX=0 MX=0 DTU=02320 ss=1 XP=2 RF=018 DS=007 SN0733 25oct07 JC=3 CB=3  MD=5 DF=05000 RNA=1 sa=1 rev 3.0f cs=43188 &=1 os=

 The wifi network went down at  01:19 UTC, Jun 26.  Here are the log entries from the AP24:

jun/25 17:01:32 dhcp,info,debug wlan2-dhcp1 assigned to 00:20:F6:05:24:7F
jun/25 17:17:51 wireless,info 00:20:F6:05:24:7F@wlan2-Ext-Ant: disconnected, reassociating
jun/25 17:17:51 wireless,info 00:20:F6:05:24:7F@wlan2-Ext-Ant: connected
jun/25 17:25:08 dhcp,info,debug wlan2-dhcp1 deassigned from 00:12:3F:F6:73:20
jun/25 23:52:39 wireless,info 00:20:F6:05:24:85@wlan2-Ext-Ant: disconnected, reassociating
jun/25 23:52:39 wireless,info 00:20:F6:05:24:85@wlan2-Ext-Ant: connected
01:19:47 wireless,info 00:20:F6:05:24:7F@wlan2-Ext-Ant: disconnected, reassociating
01:19:47 wireless,info 00:20:F6:05:24:7F@wlan2-Ext-Ant: connected
01:25:49 wireless,info 00:20:F6:05:24:85@wlan2-Ext-Ant: disconnected, reassociating
01:25:49 wireless,info 00:20:F6:05:24:85@wlan2-Ext-Ant: connected
01:35:13 wireless,info 00:20:F6:05:24:7F@wlan2-Ext-Ant: disconnected, extensive data loss
01:35:15 wireless,info 00:20:F6:05:24:7F@wlan2-Ext-Ant: connected
01:40:47 wireless,info 00:20:F6:05:24:85@wlan2-Ext-Ant: disconnected, reassociating
01:40:47 wireless,info 00:20:F6:05:24:85@wlan2-Ext-Ant: connected
01:45:38 wireless,info 00:20:F6:05:24:7F@wlan2-Ext-Ant: disconnected, reassociating
01:45:38 wireless,info 00:20:F6:05:24:7F@wlan2-Ext-Ant: connected
01:58:15 wireless,info 00:20:F6:05:24:85@wlan2-Ext-Ant: disconnected, extensive data loss
02:01:23 wireless,info 00:20:F6:05:24:7F@wlan2-Ext-Ant: disconnected, reassociating
02:01:23 wireless,info 00:20:F6:05:24:7F@wlan2-Ext-Ant: connected
02:04:14 wireless,info 00:20:F6:05:24:7F@wlan2-Ext-Ant: disconnected, extensive data loss
02:26:13 system,info,account user admin logged in from via ssh

The mac address ending in 24:7F is EantG and 24:85 is EantH.  Both show "extensive data loss".

EantG also died last night - perhaps in a similar manner. 

 A frequency scan on the AP24 doesn't show any current interference. The external antenna on the AP24 is using frequency 2437 MHz.

interface wireless frequency-monitor 1
FREQ          USE
2412MHz       0%
2417MHz       0.4%
2422MHz       0%
2427MHz       0.2%
2432MHz       0.4%
2437MHz       1.8%
2442MHz       0%
2447MHz       0.6%
2452MHz       0.2%
2457MHz       0.5%
2462MHz       0.4%

Will change it to 2462 MHz (as a hack),  power cycle the Eants and go home...

 interface wireless set 1 frequency 2462
ntp timekeeping

Use the ntpq -p command on the aster system to check on the status of NTP on the various data systems. It is also a good check of the general health of the network:

ntpq -p
     remote           refid      st t when poll reach   delay   offset  jitter
+profile.isff.uc GPS_NMEA(0)      3 u  271  512  377    2.572   -0.413   2.746
+downwind1.isff. GPS_NMEA(0)      3 u  209  512  377    2.544   -0.496   0.983
-downwind2.isff. GPS_NMEA(0)      3 u  283  512  377    2.571   -0.373   0.033
*upwind.isff.uca GPS_NMEA(0)      3 u  175  512  377    2.548   -0.446   0.726
+pressure1.isff. GPS_NMEA(0)      3 u  445  512  377    2.529   -0.503   0.126
+pressure2.isff. GPS_NMEA(0)      3 u  219  512  377    2.603   -0.413   0.659
-gatexfer-4.ucar    3 u  247  512  377  748.012   -4.281 108.822
 LOCAL(0)        .LOCL.          10 l   15   64  377    0.000    0.000   0.001

The offset column shows the millisecond difference between the aster system clock and the clocks on the various data systems. The above shows good agreement between all systems.  I'm hoping that the offset values will stay within a millisecond of each other.

A value of 377 in the reach column indicates that the last 8 attempts to reach the system were successful (octal 377 is 11111111 binary). If this is other than 377, then either the network or the remote system is sick.

 The poll column lists the number of seconds between NTP polls.  NTP will adjust this value depending on the stability of the various clocks. "when" is the current counter.  When it reaches the value for "poll", a system will be polled, and new values for the clock parameters will be displayed.

gatexfer-4.ucar is a NTP system at UCAR. Since it is reached via the satellite link, it will have a large and varying delay, and is just a crude reference.

LOCAL is the local system clock, which is being synchronized to the remote systems.  A host with a "*" in the first column is the current synchronization host. Systems with a "+" are considered good candidates for synchronization. Systems with a "-" are considered less trustworthy.

Wifi To Array

We're using two etherants:

  1. etherant G on the profile tower
    1. connected to hub in profile data system
    2. serves profile, downwind1 and pressure1 data systems
  2. etherant G  on the downwind tower # 10
    1. connected to hub in downwind2
    2. serves downwind2, upwind and pressure2

Currently seeing about 25 dB of signal from both antennas. signal -65 dBm, noise -90 dBm.

 These etherants are served from wlan2-Ext-Ant on the AP24.

[admin@Alico] ip> ..
[admin@Alico] > interface wireless
[admin@Alico] interface wireless> print
Flags: X - disabled, R - running
 0 X  name="wlan1-Int-Ant" mtu=1500 mac-address=00:15:6D:10:29:B2 arp=enabled disable-running-check=no interface-type=Atheros AR5213 radio-name="AP24-IntAnt" mode=ap-bridge
      ssid="ISFF12" area="" frequency-mode=manual-txpower country=united states antenna-gain=25 frequency=2412 band=2.4ghz-b/g scan-list=default rate-set=default
      supported-rates-b=1Mbps,2Mbps,5.5Mbps,11Mbps supported-rates-a/g=6Mbps,9Mbps,12Mbps,18Mbps,24Mbps,36Mbps,48Mbps,54Mbps basic-rates-b=1Mbps basic-rates-a/g=6Mbps
      max-station-count=50 ack-timeout=dynamic tx-power=13 tx-power-mode=all-rates-fixed noise-floor-threshold=default periodic-calibration=default
      periodic-calibration-interval=60 burst-time=disabled dfs-mode=radar-detect antenna-mode=ant-b wds-mode=disabled wds-default-bridge=none wds-default-cost=100
      wds-cost-range=50-150 wds-ignore-ssid=no update-stats-interval=disabled default-authentication=no default-forwarding=no default-ap-tx-limit=0
      default-client-tx-limit=0 proprietary-extensions=post-2.9.25 hide-ssid=yes security-profile=isffwep disconnect-timeout=3s on-fail-retry-time=100ms preamble-mode=both
      compression=no allow-sharedkey=no

 1  R name="wlan2-Ext-Ant" mtu=1500 mac-address=00:15:6D:10:3C:BC arp=enabled disable-running-check=no interface-type=Atheros AR5213 radio-name="AP24-ExtAnt" mode=ap-bridge
      ssid="ISFF14" area="" frequency-mode=manual-txpower country=united states antenna-gain=0 frequency=2437 band=2.4ghz-b/g scan-list=default rate-set=default
      supported-rates-b=1Mbps,2Mbps,5.5Mbps,11Mbps supported-rates-a/g=6Mbps,9Mbps,12Mbps,18Mbps,24Mbps,36Mbps,48Mbps,54Mbps basic-rates-b=1Mbps basic-rates-a/g=6Mbps
      max-station-count=50 ack-timeout=dynamic tx-power=25 tx-power-mode=all-rates-fixed noise-floor-threshold=default periodic-calibration=default
      periodic-calibration-interval=60 burst-time=disabled dfs-mode=radar-detect antenna-mode=ant-a wds-mode=disabled wds-default-bridge=none wds-default-cost=100
      wds-cost-range=50-150 wds-ignore-ssid=no update-stats-interval=disabled default-authentication=no default-forwarding=no default-ap-tx-limit=0
      default-client-tx-limit=0 proprietary-extensions=post-2.9.25 hide-ssid=yes security-profile=isffwep disconnect-timeout=3s on-fail-retry-time=100ms preamble-mode=both
      compression=no allow-sharedkey=no
Data Systems

Initial AHATS data system configuration.  Note: this was changed later, see changed serial cards at upwind, downwind2






net link

serial #0

serial #1






8P W274095

8M 240017





hub in profile

8M W249918

8M 250043






8P W274177

8M W249924





hub in downwind2

8P W274198

8M W240025





hub in profile







hub in downwind2



To prevent the AP24 from serving addresses to the vipers, I entered these commands:

ip dhcp-server lease
add mac-address 00:80:66:10:43:96 block-access=yes
add mac-address 00:80:66:10:43:8C block-access=yes
add mac-address 00:80:66:10:43:92 block-access=yes
add mac-address 00:80:66:10:43:8D block-access=yes
add mac-address 00:80:66:10:43:C5 block-access=yes
add mac-address 00:80:66:10:42:A6 block-access=yes
add mac-address 00:80:66:10:43:96 block-access=yes
Local Data storage

We have 6 pocketecs for local storage.  (Originally we had 8, one died, and one is at Marshall I believe)

 Let's use the pocketecs for the 4 sonic adams.

 The pressure adams will generate about 290 Mbyte/day  (24 bytes/sample, 10 samples/sec, 14 channels). So for the pressure systems, let's use 4  Gbyte usb pen drives.

ADAM Power Consumption

6/4/08 Adams up and running for checkout.

One of the power supplies running 3 adams died.   It suffered from thermal shutdown and dropped its output to 4vdc killing the adams.   It's rating is 12Ain and was operating in the wind tunnel: not encouraging given prospects in central valley.   After letting it cool, we restarted and measured the following currents and measured the profile adam running on a second supply:










10 sonics





1x sonics, & etherant worth ~.3





12 sonics





3-trh, licor

We put a 3rd supply to split the larger load.