
15:40   TRH.40m, tse09, showing bad data. PIO got it going again. Will monitor.


eddy's sound

I've flailed around trying to get HDMI sound to work on eddy (which is being used for the project's daily Google Hangouts sessions.  At first, an HDMI device wasn't available, even with the screen connected and video working fine.  I finally solved this by clicking off the "NVIDIA Optimus" BIOS parameter, which apparently selects whether the NVIDIA or Intel video interface is used?  However...

Now I can select the HDMI output in all of the settings menus, but sound still comes out of the built-in speakers.  I've learned that the audio device should be hw:1,3, but sending sound directly there produces no sound.  I've also found in the settings page that setting "HDMI surround 5.1" makes no sound from the internal speakers, whereas "HDMI stereo" does.

In the meantime, we seem to have been able to run a meeting using just the internal speakers.

Another option could be just to get some external powered speakers and plug in to eddy's line out.


TNW05 Tsoil Replaced

11:00 - 11:30   Replaced the tsoil probe and PIC at tnw05. Data looks good now.

UPDATE:  Tsoil09 removed from this site had its eeprom space cleared. The probe is now working once the eeprom space was restored.


5/4/17 Status

Summary:  LICORs at V06 and V07 still going down. PIO is being used to restart them. Need to verify electronic boxes are grounded.
                  TRH.20m on RSW06 down.
                  Tsoil at TNW05 down.
                  RH.2m TNW07 seems high, will monitor
                   RNE04 tower:  Discussions took place yesterday about the safety of the tower. The latest plan is to have the questionable anchor replaced and the guywires tighten to a minimum of 400. Hopefully this will happen today. Steve and I went to the site yesterday to install a power line, the DSM, and the WIFI link. Power came from a LIDAR approximately 85m from the tower. As soon as the tower is made safe the remaining hardware will be installed.



Restart v06 Licor

17:00   Restarted v06 Licor with a PIO.


The plan

It still is hoped that mast construction will proceed.  The likely order is:

rne04: make secure (whenever Samortecnica next is here)

tnw02: pour concrete; erect (needs tractor, expected tomorrow?)

tnw05, tnw08: needs full construction, but holes could be dug as early as tomorrow...

(this is the maximum possible by the end of this week)

Following would be:

v02, tse14, tse15

tse05 likely never will be built (even though I think it is the most important tower in the network).


All of this would occur after Steve leaves, so Andy will be here, who is certified to climb/rescue.

So, the priority for Andy and me will be:

  1. maintain existing masts
  2. deal with user issues (data delivery, add odd sensors, etc.)
  3. install remaining sensors (ARL LiCors, currently in customs)
  4. instrument new towers.

Nevertheless, I expect that we should be able to get some of these towers instrumented.  INEGI has agreed to continue to add their solar panels to power these towers (except for rne04, that we will try to power up from the lidar AC drop).


Site work today

v01: dropped EC100 box, reprogrammed to 20sps/10Hz filter, reinstalled box

v07: had to pio to get Li7500 running again.  Upper DSM probably needs ground strap.  Li7500 box probably needs ground strap.

v06: added ground strap to DSM. Li7500 box probably needs ground strap, though it was still running from this morning's reset.

tnw05: reseated Tsoil connectors multiple times.  Still reports 0.001 for all probes.  Will replace (stealing from tse05, that probably won't be erected).



   Update on changes/ aletrations to network:

-All stations relaying through RiNE_02 were offline from the week
before we arrived, found it had multiple frequencies selected, none of
them correct. Put in proper frequency brought back stations. Dropped
off once 2 days later, fixed, has been solid since then.

-Kurt powered up TrNW_1, TrSE_08, Vall_03, brought all online.

-TrSE_13 NNE was truly missed aimed. It was pointing NW, Dan and I
re-aimed NNE, now ND SODAR sites can get signal.

-We also re-aimed TrSE_13 SE more south to possible pick up Lidar's at
towers base.
-Helped DLR get their 3 Lidar's online.

-Gave Notre Dame 6 configured Ubiquiti's to use, they are still
awaiting power (3 for Lidar's 3 for Laura Leo's SODAR's etc.). They
are now all online.

-Breaker blew on utility pole at TrNW_10, reset.

-Corrected all not-yet-mounted ubiquiti's to reflect changes to tower
network layout (risw_06 > trse_04 change etc.)

-WVDial on network, btsync to eldora1 fs set up and running

-OU has its Ubiquiti, and their CLAMPS trailer/network is online.

-Breakers blew on utility pole at RiSW_06, had to reset 3 times before
it came back. DLR is still having power problems at that utility pole.

-Reconfigured remaining "spare" ubiquiti's, one as factory default. If
you need to use all you need to do is add mac address in "ap to lock"
and you're done, except the factory default one of course.

-Took repeater asus wifi router and reconfigured it as router for
192.168.100.x as a subnet of 192.168.1.x. With DTU not there I went
ahead and created a new wifi network called "Perdigao Ops Center",
with the repeater. Renamed the old wifi network as "Perdigao Systems",
as we are all but out of addresses on 192.168.1, no range left for
dhcp. Eddy is set to get it's address via dhcp over
wireless on "Perdigao Systems" wifi network.

-Bill's NE profiler moved to Ops Center parking lot. We have a 250ft
eth cable to pull through 2nd floor window to router.

-For the last week have had intermittent rogue routers, (found 2 at
one time) show up on network, tracked down to model numbers ur5i-v2, Opengear acm5504-5-3g, both are 3g modem
routers. is the default for leosphere routers. Asked
everyone to turn there's off. OU, WVDial, Notre Dame, seems to have
cleared up since DLR turned there cell modem/routers off. The effect
was dhcp offers and at one point and then they knocked
offline (possibly related to WPS???)

-got CU orange grove lidar on the network. Helkping Julie with Ops Center lidar now.

Both v06 and v07 licors were down this morning.  Both responded to pio cycles.  v07 needed the same power cycle yesterday, however we decided that this wasn't a function of power (since these are both line-powered) and there was no correlation between crashes and Vdsm.  So...we have a mystery.

update:  DSM at V06 was not grounded. Will monitor Licor to see if this fixes the problem. At V07 the Licor goes through the top DSM which is not grounded. If V06 stays up then we will try grounding at V07t.

15:10 - had to restart the Licor on V06 using PIO.



Vdsm work

Vdsm.v04 wasn't reporting.  Gary fixed an issue confusing it with Vmote.kzrad.v04.  Now okay.

Vdsm.tse01 was off by a factor of 10.  Changed vbg by a factor of 10 in the mote (to make it consistent with tse02's mote).  Now seems okay.


Wasn't reporting.  pio 3 0/1 brought it back.  Power issue?


Daily Status 4/30/17

Weather:   windy and rainy this morning. May clear up in the afternoon.

Sensor Status Overview
   A number of sonics, ~7, were down this morning. It appears rain was the reason. Most are back up.
  Three Licors were down but I was able to get running again via PIO commands.
  TRH 10m and 60m on rsw06 were down due to fan current going to high. I was able to get them back
       up via PIO. The max current cutoff has been increased, will monitor.



The nano-barometer at tse06 reports at a rate of 30Hz, according to data_stats and my own crude timing of the messages, unlike the other nano-barometers which report at 14.83 Hz, such as at tse08.  Steve suggested there might be a configuration problem, so I tried to fix the configuration.  Here's what I found out.

For reference, the configuration the nano should be using is described here:  I also compared the nano on tse06 with the one on tse08.

The settings all match: OI=0, TI=67, IA=7, XM=1, TS=0, MD=2.

Both are model 6000-15A, both have firmware version: R5.23.

I also checked serial numbers and crystal correction coefficients for each:

tse06: SN=123996  TC=.6781674
tse08: SN=123997  TC=.6781677

Both running at 9600 baud.

As a test, I set tse06 PI=134, cycled power on it, and then verified that PI was still set to 134, but the messages are still 30Hz.  I did the same thing except setting OI=1 instead.  That still does not change the rate from 30Hz, though the manual says that should cut the rate by half.

So I think there's something flaky going on here, and at the moment I am unable to do anything about it.  The sensor continues to report at 30Hz, the others at 14.83Hz, and all will be converted to 20Hz for the high-rate netcdf output.


april 24th set up notes

we instrumented V01 today, and it is on the network.

all sensors worked fine in the ops center this morning, but EC150 is not happy on the tower???

will work on servicing problem sensors tomorrow.

No sign of Samortechnica today, tomorrow is a holiday, so I don't expect them here then either.

april 21 st setup notes

applied power to TrNW01, Vall03, and fixed dc power cable to TrSE12 (a vehicle, probably the electric company tore it literally out of the electric box. We raised a new cable by about 1 meter over the old location and flagged the part overhanging the road.

Replaced soil mote cable which had been also yanked out of the mote box, and had bent pins.

Multiple TRH's were replaced at various stations - looks like that will be the lions share of work during the IOP, replace, repair, repeat.(Gnats are gumming up the fans) 

There are now 37 stations collecting data and on the network.