
Wetness at Pond back up

11:00   Pond wetness running again. Used another wisard board with I2C address 0x39. Had

to modify xml.

Cleaned domes while out there.

P.S. I recall that we had this replacement sensor shipped in from Boulder, hence the delay in getting it deployed.

Tower climbing

8:15 - 9:15   There will be some tower climbing this morning. Ned is collecting data

with the LAI-2000 instrument. After that we will work on the 32m serial mote.

SOAS ISFS Status June19

Weather: Cloudy, should burn off later today with no rain expected

Summary:  Par, Tsfc, and wetness at 32m still down. Wetness at pond down. Sonic at 20m went out last night

at about 22:00. It came back to life around 7:00am this morning.

Sonics: ok, monitor 20m sonic

TRH, P: ok

Wind Speed & Dir: ok

Soil, Rainr:  Tsoila & Tsoilb at still bad, Qsoil.b intermittent through the night

Vmote (rad, a, a2, b): 11.9 to 12.4

Radiation, Wetness: wetness at pond still down, will install today

H2O, CO2: Krypton at 13.9m low signal through the night, coming in this morning

System (GPS, Vdsm): ok

Pond: ok except for wetness

16:00  The serial mote at 32m is down. based on data plots this occurred at about 11:00am.

DSM command eio did not bring it back to life. Due to present weather conditions we will hold off till tomorrow to investigate.

rain again

Just a light shower this time.  Hope Steve and Jen are just about done with their Lidar work!  Also a chance to see if the understory tipping bucket works again.

10:45  A new battery has been installed at soil.a, V = 12.6

Rainr.b clogged

10:30  Upon inspection found the tipping bucket tube at soil.b was clogged with ill-defined organic matter.

Since the funnel was full, I tried to allow this water to be measured (post-rain), but only was able to get 2--3 tips to register.  Also, this likely would have been an under-report since the funnel's capacity had been exceeded.

We have decided that checking for clogs should be a regular maintenance task.

Vmote changes

Just to note:

During SCP, "cactus" wasn't charging for the first 18 days, during which time Vmote dropped from 12.9->11.3V, or about 0.1V/day.

I note that Tsoil.a2, which doesn't have a solar panel, over the last 2.5 days has dropped from 12.8->12.5, or about 0.1V/day.

It is nice to see consistency...

See subject.  We also note that Tsoil.4.4cm.a appears to have become bad after an earlier rain event (Jun 7), though there was a data outage at that time.

Weather: Partly cloudy, maybe rain in the afternoon

Summary:  32m sonic down this morning (4:00 to 7:00). Back up, will monitor, no rain on rainr.b, Will check.

Sonics: ok, see note above

TRH, P: ok

Wind Speed & Dir: ok

Soil, Rainr:  Tsoilb @ 4,4cm seems to be misbehaving. Rain event early this morning, ~3:00am, no rain action on rainr.b

Vmote (rad, a, a2, b): 11.8 to 12.5

Radiation, Wetness:ok, wetness at pond still down, waiting for spare

H2O, CO2: Krypton signals low, likely due to water on the lenses

System (GPS, Vdsm): ok

Pond: ok except for wetness

32m sonic was down

32m statistics were down (sonic, licor, pressure) at 32m from about 0400-0700 this morning.  They are back now, either by themselves or by some action from Gordon.

This is related to a second rain event last night.

Storm upon us

14:55   A storm has fell upon us. The skies started darking and the winds picked up about 15 minutes ago then

somebody turned on the garden hose! Winds on cockpit pushing 20 m/s at the top levels.

fierce storm outflow

Wind just picked up from the WSW, with lightning upwind.  We've heard things blowing around in the trees.  Winds at the tower top gusting to 19m/s!  Hopefully, the tower stays up...

8KVA fuse blown

11:30 - 13:50:  The 8KVA blew its fuse so Steve and I decide to remove the surge suppression black box. It turned into a bigger deal since we had

to remove a side panel that had some rivets. To add to the fun, while going out to the site the car decided to place a small rock

between the brake pad and a pad cover which resulted in a horrible noise. So one of us played mechanic and the other electrician.

Weather: cloudy, potential rain this afternoon.

Summary:  Wetness at pond down.

Sonics: ok, some LDIAG activity this morning (~6:30) on 43

TRH, P: ok, humidity pushing 100%

Wind Speed & Dir: ok

Soil, Rainr: ok

Vmote (rad, a, a2, b): 12 to 12.6

Radiation, Wetness: ok

H2O, CO2: ok

System (GPS, Vdsm): ok

Pond: ok, wetness out