Essential Principle: The atmosphere and humans are inextricably linked.

Welcome to Session 6C atmosphere and humans are inextricably linked.

Introductions have completed 10:45 AM 

Attendees: Julie Gustafson: Nat. Wildlife Fed.; Steve Ackerman: Univ. Wisconsin; Christy Gerrits: Campbell County School District; Ben Cuker: Hampton Uni.; Peter Pennington: NESTA President; Mark McCaffrey: CIRES CU Bldr.; Wendy Abshire:UCAR/COMET; Steve Wilton: The Climate Project; James Rattling Leaf:Sinte Gleska University; Susan Innis: Colorado Governor's Energy Office.; Sandra Henderson:UCAR EO; Bob Henson:UCAR Communications 

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The session has split into two separate discussion groups. (10:54 AM) 

-Both groups are defining the discussion topic...

Group1: S.Ackerman - "How do we break out the the link between humans and the atmos.

Note: two separate groups will combine in 10 minutes (11:13 AM)

Note: Group1 is discussing how to integrate their discussion with Group2's

Note: 30 minutes left in this breakout session. The whole group has not launched into the full-group discussion yet. 

Note: Full-group discussion has begun

James is explaining Mitaku Oyasin to represent "interdependence" and "complexity" in the discussion of the development EPs 

Big Ideas (from Group2 group document)

Note: 5 mins. left in the session. The discssion is around the above last point "Human planning...."

 Note: Details of the bullets will be added now.

 Note: Thank you very much for your participation! your comments are the session record and will be incorporated in the session presentation this afternoon. Please see the attached [soon to be!] attached ppt. The session has ended and the participants are off to lunch.

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