
Dublin Core - the topic of the resource. Typically, the topic will be represented using keywords, key phrases, or classification codes. Recommended best practice is to use a controlled vocabulary. To describe the spatial or temporal topic of the resource, use the Coverage element.


Controlled vocabulary

A specific NSDL controlled vocabulary is not used because:

Rather use the following recommendations for creating metadata for the subject field:

The controlled vocabularies of Pathways and other contributors are treated as free-text keywords within the subject field. That is, a method does not exist in the XML of the NSDL_DC metadata framework to indicate that a Pathway or other controlled vocabulary is being used.

Cataloging best practices

Use and resource examples

XML tips and examples

<dc:subject xsi:type="dct:LCC">Agriculture</dc:subject> this is not XML schema enforced for LCC 
<dc:subject xsi:type="dct:LCC">Animal culture </dc:subject> this is not XML schema enforced for LCC 
<dc:subject>put any keyword here</dc:subject> 
<dc:subject>or keyword phase</dc:subject> 
<dc:subject>stratus clouds</dc:subject>