
Dublin Core - information about who can access the resource or an indication of its security status


Dublin Core: Access Rights vis-à-vis Rights

In Dublin Core, access rights is a refinement of the core element rights. Dublin Core provides the followingrights definition and further explanation of access rights:


Rights information is typically a statement about intellectual property rights---that is, who claims ownership or control of a resource and its use and re-use. Intellectual property rights include the right to limit access to one's intellectual property. The access rights field conveys information about any conditions or regulations the rights owner may have imposed with regard to granting access to a resource.

Most resources and collections in NSDL can be accessed in their entirety at no charge. However, there are NSDL materials, that require registration, payment, or subscription for full access. NSDL recognizes the value of being able to describe a range of situations with regard to the conditions under which various users can access particular resources.

Controlled vocabulary terms and definitions

Terms are in bold italics. As necessary, definitions are provided.

Cataloging best practices

Resource examples

Below is an italicized list of different kinds resources. The bullets under each resource represent the content that could be used as access rights information.

Rock sample kit

Native American resource


Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment

Alice (an interactive 3D programming language)

teachers' domain (multimedia resources for the classroom and professional development)


Elsevier science and technology books

Professional society content

A Content Review System

XML tips and examples

Using the controlled vocabulary

<dct:accessRights xsi:type="nsdl_dc:NSDLAccess">Available by subscription</dct:accessRights> (using an NSDL term) 

Not using controlled vocabulary

<dct:accessRights xsi:type="dct:URI"></dct:accessRights> (using URI)
<dct:accessRights>Access is only available from selected university domains. </dct:accessRights> (using own description) 
<dct:accessRights>Free access from ABC university </dct:accessRights> (using own terms)



This controlled vocabulary was approved October, 5, 2007.