Meeting Notes - 16 April, 2013


Location: FL2 COMET Classroom



  1. Welcome and introductions
  2. Cindy Schmidt: Overview of the President's Office University Relations endeavors
  3. Stephanie Barr: Overview of CISL's Outreach Program
  4. Poster responses from Jan 24 meeting and future meeting ideas

After a brief intro from each attendee, Cindy presented an overview of the President's Office's site for University Relations (  and the associated endeavors:

Stephanie Barr then presented an overview of her work as the CISL Outreach coordinator:

After Stephanie's presentation, we had an informal discussion about the information gathered at our Jan. 24 meeting and about setting up future meetings. There was a request to set up a wiki for the group (done!) and to continue meeting on a regular basis to share education endeavors. There was a general consensus that we should have time at the next meeting for some open ended sharing and discussion as well as a more formal presentation. One topic that came up for future discussion is sharing insights on how various divisions use web conferencing tools.

-bruce muller 4/19/13