Planning Meeting, August 16, 2013

Attending: Wendy Abshire, Tim Barnes, Eileen Carpenter, Teri Eastburn, Lisa Gardiner, Randy Russell

Discussion started with open brainstorming around possible Maker options that Spark could provide.

Ideas quickly began to focus on what we could implement in the limited time before the 10/5, Saturday, event.

The topic quickly focused upon became the SPP wind tunnel and NCAR's work with transportation (flight deicing, microbursts, etc) and the engineering involved around the design, development, and release of dropsondes for scientific purposes in understanding and predicting hurricane tracks.

Maker Faire Program

The group decided upon an activity that asks makers to design a hypothetical dropsonde instrument that slowly descends through the wind tunnel so that adequate time is allowed for obtaining the optimal number of measurements.  A leader board will be created and posted that lists the top 5 competitors.

Preparation and Testing

Teri will obtain an event budget from Emily ($200 for signage, materials for 200 makers)

Eileen will schedule time for Spark Maker-convention presenters to test the apparatus and the materials that we will offer for designing one's instrument. 

Teri will check with the event planners for the following information:  Booth space options and any needs in addition to those already requested; numbers expected to attend; number of exhibitors; if a weather balloon would be allowed inside at our booth

Tim will build the score board out of our melamine boards and colored tape so that the top five makers can be listed.

Lisa will be responsible for designing any signage needs.

Randy will work with EOL to obtain any "Table Tech" in the way of dropsondes and a dropsonde release video. 


The event is scheduled to run from 10am to 6pm on 10/5.  Thus far committed to attend are: Eileen, Teri, Lisa, and tentatively Randy and Tim. Wendy will be in Hawaii (surf's up <:).

Additional needs not discussed

We may want to check on the feasibility of offering the design challenge winner a prize. We also may want to have a simple prize, such as 3D postcard of hurricane for anyone who can improve their design.

Review of what our signage needs are in terms of highlighting NCAR Makers