Topic of discussion: Social Media and Learning

2013-10-29, 1-2:30pm
Location: GC1 - 2126

Guest speaker: Zhenya Gallon, UCAR Communications


Review of UCAR Communications use of social media, social media resources, social media policies and best practice. 

Plans for next meeting: Organizer: Julie Malmberg; Topic: Pinterest (and maybe infographics)

"Electronic Handout"

WAG Social Media Working Group - an interest group for anyone interested in using social media in support of the organization's mission

----Legal considerations: UCAR Social Media Guidelines, protecting copyright (photos, video, etc.) - 

----Resources (for getting started, tips and best practices, or for explaining to your boss why its worth investing in FB:

----New resources: Hashtags, Twitter nomenclature

----Mailing list - Please sign up (via mailman):

Zhenya's notes:


Social Media - for NCAR/UCAR EdGroup

Tues Oct 29, 1pm, CG1-2126

ABCs of social media at NCAR/UCP/UCAR

A) Overview of current social media landscape

B) Electronic handouts = resources for participating

C) Time permitting: tweeting tips


A) The current landscape

The big three:


Who's on social media at NCAR/UCP/UCAR?

     group = community building, safe space for conversations, truly social
     page = public face, build awareness of website, workshops and other events, more news push than interactive

What to share?
     news and info
     build/support community, foster two-way conversation (harder to do)
     how does this specific post support our organizational mission?

Let others do social media for you:

Be sure your news and information pages have sharing buttons installed. Talk to your Web Developer about installation, and about access to free analytics from the sharing service, once installed.  (AtmosNews uses this) 


2005: 8% . . . 2012: 67% . . . 2013: 72% of online U.S. adults use "social networking sites"

As of December 2012:

  6% of online adults say they use Tumblr

13% ... use Instagram

15% ... use Pinterest (which adults? = where the women are)

67% ... use Facebook (near-even split between men and women for AtmosNews, age group = postdocs/early career scientists)

20% ... use LinkedIn (as of August 2012.)

18% ... use Twitter  (30% of 18-29--year-olds | AtmosNews followers =heterogeneous mix of faculty, met. undergrads, journalists, wx b'casters, environmentally/politically engaged)

The niches:

Where are the educators? Where are YOU finding colleagues? What are they doing there?

LinkedIn ??

--Yes, more recently. Merits further attention.

Google+  ??

--Not really (tech savvy, "early adopters" - copy and paste select FB news posts to G+ as a low-cost way to have a presence there)


--Yes, let's talk!  See for example:

Outcome: next EdGroup session will focus on Pinterest    

The nice-to-have, if your time permits:

What else?

Q: What about Forums?

A: from the group:

never been successful (COMET, GLOBE, NSDL experience) - people don't have time, esp. teachers

takes strong, constant moderator to be successful = high cost

even on LinkedIn or FB groups - takes moderation to get/keep a conversation going - many members post adverts for their services, which get funneled into a separate section

COMET FB group: 2,100 users, sharing their take on forecast, case studies = group-generated content

People are used to getting pings from Facebook when someone posts something new, so people go there

SOARS FB page: has grown to be a community for the proteges (we chose to create an open page, not a closed group) - members like seeing personal news from each other

NSDL: ended their FB group in favor of an FB page (no simple conversion, posted notices that they were moving to a page)

B) Electronic "Handouts"  - Walkthrough of WAG Social Media wiki

See above

C) Tweeting tips

--you're writing a headline - let your link tell the rest of the story 
-----(don't have a link? why not?)

--don't make people guess: "Join us for our DKW seminar tomorrow ... "  ?? (what's DKW, and why should I care?)

--keywords, keywords, keywords - turn up to three into hashtags - SEARCH Twitter FIRST to see if a hashtag is active or unloved

Final note: 

Role of FB in tracking down staff during recent floods - to determine their safety - invaluable

Role of AtmosNews staff messages on FB - some staff checked FB but not email that morning