Daily report for Tuesday October 22

(early morning, updated throughout the day)

Weather: Just touched below freezing overnight. Light winds from SSW towards morning. IOP 5 underway. Soundings good through 4am launch so far. A few cirrus this morning (was "not-a-cloud-in-the-sky" in recent days). LATER: Warmed to about 17C. 1/10 stratiform clouds at times. No fair weather Cu. Some smoke aloft from the controlled burn to the south.

Profiler power: 0.144mW (at 16:20Z)

Soundings: Usual IOP sequence last night. (LT) 4pm, 7pm, 10pm, 1am, 4am, 7am, 10am. All successful.

Problems and interesting events:

Nagios all green at ISFS Base

Nagios all green (ISS site) except:

Note: At 14:30 (after the IOP) NAGIOS shows all green except the disk space issue.

449-RASS: Still noting less than 5-min of sound, although radar is operating in RASS mode for full 5 minutes.

WILL need to clear disk space within 1 day (Bill is on it).

SODAR site: solar trailer battery at 85% (6am LT); . Sodar chirping. Checked Solar Trailer at 6 am, which is a few minutes before sunrise. Still at 85% after a full night of (sunless) operation.

Interesting event: Waste management serviced both sites this morning.

All sensors appear to be operating well, however:

CEILOMETER CL-View screen shows a warning: Status: Blower failure; Status: Heater fault; (both blower and heater show "OFF").

GENERATOR SERVICE times and data impacts