
27 January 2014



Discussion Items


Alan gave overview of GUI prototype work done to date. Discussed numerous items that still need to be performed, and various "gotchas" such as backwards compatibility with 2.x session files

Difficult to separate new 3.0 code from legacy 2.x code when reviewing. Heretofore we will configure doxygen to only auto-document those header files that are ready for review.

Extricating Qt from text drawing methods (i.e. ConrolExec:: DrawText) implies we can no longer rely on Qt's font rendering capability. Need to explore alternatives to rendering fonts that do not depend on Qt, or consider removing text drawing capability from ControlExec). The latter would make it very difficult for any other UI to support scene annotation.

John presented a block diagram of major 3.0 components along with the relationships between them. There is not consensus yet on the major component relationships. It was agreed that these relationships needed to be sorted out.

It was decided that the general plan of action moving forward is to work towards a clean and more fully functional implementation of the current simple 3.0 prototype. Additional functionality would include significant features that have broad impact across the application such as state management and error handling. Once we are satisfied with the "mini" vaporgui it will serve as a template for adding other renderers and other missing functionality.

Action Items

Doxygen only those files that are ready for review. Be sure to note any methods that need to be changed (all)

Post meeting slides to this page (alan)

Implement and exercise ControExec methods in support of error handling and undo/redo (alan)

Develop draft block diagram showing relationship between main components (john)

Discuss cost/benefit of Params "dirty bit" mechanism (all)

Explore options for rasterizing text (scott)