
10 April 2014





Reviewed notes and action items from last meeting.

GUI does not appear to be using access methods (e.g. ControlExecution::GetParams() ) for accessing on Params instances. It is instead calling static methods on the Params class. GUI should either use CE methods, or we should do away with them. Alan will explore.

Discussed error handling. Two mechanisms used: MyBase methods in libraries, and ErrorReporter in GUI. Desirable to have single method. Also desirable to not have static Set/Get methods for setting/getting error messages. John will propose changes for group to review

John gave overview of WASP API. Will document in doxygen and present for review for next meeting.

Alan is using Doxygen DOXYGEN_SKIP_THIS macro in header files to indicate legacy and TBD items not ready for review.

Created a master Action Item list


Action Items


Create master action item listJohn
Document ParamNode Add methodsJohn
Update regionparams documentation (DOXYGEN_SKIP stuff) DONEAlan
Don't return references in Params classes DONEAlan
Document error return values for Set/Get methods in Params class DONEAlan
Draft proposed changes to MyBase error methods


GUI should use ControlExec methods for accessing Params, not static class methods on Params.

Alan:  Instead the ControlExec methods were removed because they cannot be accessed from the

Params lib, thterefore the static Params methods are more useful.

Create status list for Class objects to indicate whether they are complete, partial, or not startedJohn
Present WASP API for reviewJohn
Discuss event routersAll
Discuss OpenGL managementAll