Seminars will be hosted at ML, FL, or CG. We'll announce them by listserve and via facebook. If possible we will life stream.

PLEASE: Suggest seminar topics and speakers! ASP will take care of organizing the seminar.

Date & LocationTopicSuggested speaker(s)
April 26, 2016
9:30 - 10:30.
Proposal writing
Learning more about when and how post-docs can apply for external funding.  Find out whether post-docs can submit grants as PIs.  


Paula Fisher, Valerie Koch, Rebecca Haacker
 Giving a good job talkRich Rotunno, Bec Batchelor
 Developing your networkChristine Wiedinmyer
 Creating a research website - come out of the hour with the start of your website, and the knowledge to finish it at home.Carolyn Brinkworth