Just grabbed and plotted 8 hours of data from today to start looking at things.  Got data from stations 2,3,4,9,10,12,13.  (Only a partial file from 12, since it apparently was restarted in the middle of the day.)

In general, everything looked okay (see below).  I looked at the variables: spd, dir, w, tc.5m (should be changed to .3m), T, RH.2m, Spd, Dir.10m.  The only issue was that birds definitely interfere with the Gill at stations 10 & 13 – perhaps at 2 as well.  I entered the boom directions for the csats, but not the gills, so I see the Gill at s4 different (but close to correct with respect to north) from the others by about 180 deg, which is expected.

I also note that the vertical velocities are quite small and don't vary, indicating both that the set-up crew did a great job of leveling the towers and that a turbine wake is not visible (expected since the winds were generally from the wrong direction).

HOWEVER, the Gill at s12 is bad.  When I rserial to it, I get binary gibberish.  I have now checked (using minicom) that this isn't a baud rate issue.  I've also verified that "tp4" shows the same settings (120ohm termination, normal slew) as for s13, which is working.  (I also played with these settings and didn't noticably change the signal.)  I conclude that this is not a problem with DSM settings, but a cabling issue or something in the Gill itself.