We left the marina around 11am while the tide was still going out.

We visited S15 and removed M3 (ID4), then took that tripod and the NR01 to S1 to install them.  I think the idea is that the radiation/soil sensors will be deployed along a line from the turbine to S15.

The radiation boom is aimed south, 175 cm from ground to center of NR01.  Steve buried the soil probes (T, Q, G).  S1 seemed like a much drier site than many others, perhaps because it's a 130m hike from the water.

We removed the solar panel and battery from the tripod since they are not needed, this mote is connected directly to port 7 on the DSM.  I verified that we saw data messages for all the sensors from mote, but I have not yet changed the NIDAS config.

We arrived back at the marina around 2:45.