
Summary: Issues with S5 TRH fan again. Low winds with mostly cloudy skies for calm conditions. Made a morning trip to Station 5 to investigate the TRH ultimately replacing it with the unit that had been brought back previously but hadn't shown any issues.

Actions past 24 hours:

  • Yesterday (9/22) since last report Station 8 has operated normally.

To dos:

  • Reshoot boom angles (just because...)
  • troubleshoot mote from S9

Sensor Status:

T/RH:  ok
P: ok; Pirga still lower by about 1mb
2D Gill: ok
csat u,v:  ok
csat ldiag: ok
csat w, tc: ok
EC150: ok
motes: ok
Wetness: ok
radiation: ok
Tsoil: ok
Gsoil: ok
Qsoil: offline
Cvsoil: still need to have John/Steve S come up with a fix (in Boulder)

Rainr: ok
Vbatt: ok