T and RH at 13 has gone bad.  Ifan looks OK.

Here's the output from a rserial this morning:

rs 2
parameters: 9600 none 8 1 "\n" 1 0 prompted=false
TRH11 878.00 1393.27 33 0 30855 2033 105\r\n
TRH11 878.00 1397.10 34 0 30855 2019 108\r\n
TRH11 893.85 0.00 34 0 31744 16654 108\r\n
TRH11 878.14 1397.97 34 0 30863 2017 106\r\n

Tried a ctrl-U

Sensor ID11 I2C ADD: 12 data rate: 1 (secs) fan(0) max current: 80 (ma)\n
\rCalibration Dates: T - 050516, RH - 062016\r\n
resolution: 12 bits 1 sec MOTE: off\r\n
calibration coefficients:\r\n
Ta0 = -4.110268E+1\r\n
Ta1 = 4.140966E-2\r\n
Ta2 = -3.766565E-7\r\n
Ha0 = -8.208146E+0\r\n
Ha1 = 6.072641E-1\r\n
Ha2 = -4.611539E-4\r\n
Ha3 = 7.249655E-2\r\n
Ha4 = 1.125646E-3\r\n
Fa0 = 3.222650E-1\r\n
\0x15TRH11 897.32 0.00 35 0 31943 16071 109\r\n
input command format: cmd [value] [[value] [value] ...]\r\n
command\t desc\t\t\ttype\tquantity\r\n
MOT\t1 sec mote flag\t\tbyte\t1\r\n
FID\tFan ID\t\tbyte\t1\r\n
RES\tBit resolution\t\tbyte\t1\r\n
SID\tSensor ID\t\tbyte\t1\r\n
I2C\tI2C address\t\tbyte\t1\r\n
RAT\tData Rate\t\tint\t1\r\n
CUR\tMax Fan current\t\tint\t1\r\n
TM0\ttimer0 count\t\tint\t1\r\n
TA0\tT probe a0 Cof\t\tfloat\t1\r\n
TA1\tT probe a1 Cof\t\tfloat\t1\r\n
TA2\tT probe a2 Cof\t\tfloat\t1\r\n
HA0\tH probe a0 Cof\t\tfloat\t1\r\n
HA1\tH probe a1 Cof\t\tfloat\t1\r\n
HA2\tH probe a2 Cof\t\tfloat\t1\r\n
HA3\tH probe a3 Cof\t\tfloat\t1\r\n
HA4\tH probe a4 Cof\t\tfloat\t1\r\n
FA0\tFan current Cof\t\tfloat\t1\r\n
EEC\tclear EEPROM space\r\n
DEF\tDEFAULT flag\r\n
CMD\tprint command list\r\n
EXT\texit EEPROM handler\r\n
Warning: Upon exit EEPROM data will be downloaded to RAM\r\n

Then EXT

Exit EEPROM LOADER - reset will take place\r\n
\r Sensor ID11 I2C ADD: 12 data rate: 1 (secs) fan(0) max current: 80 (ma)\n
\rCalibration Dates: T - 050516, RH - 062016\r\n
resolution: 14 bits 1 sec MOTE: off\r\n
calibration coefficients:\r\n
Ta0 = -4.110268E+1\r\n
Ta1 = 4.140966E-2\r\n
Ta2 = -3.766565E-7\r\n
Ha0 = -8.208146E+0\r\n
Ha1 = 6.072641E-1\r\n
Ha2 = -4.611539E-4\r\n
Ha3 = 7.249655E-2\r\n
Ha4 = 1.125646E-3\r\n
Fa0 = 3.222650E-1\r\n
TRH11 896.21 0.00 34 0 31879 31879 106\r\n
TRH11 -126.84 0.00 34 0 -2033 16700 106\r\n
TRH11 511.88 0.00 35 0 15555 4803 109\r\n
TRH11 879.09 0.00 35 0 30915 20679 109\r\n

Tried power cycling with "tio 2 0" , "tio 2 1" but the T,RH are still bad.

We have 2 spares.  Will test those in the trailer and replace the unit at 13.