The setup of the IOP Phase of the field campaign is underway with the arrival of Lou and Bill.    Two additional sites will be setup, the NCAS Wind Profiler site and the sounding site.

NCAS 1290 Wind Profiler setup:

The NCAS wind profiler will be set up at the Operations Center in Alvaiade.  The preferred sites to the northeast near the villages of Tojeirinha and Rodeios didn't work out for a variety of reasons related to availability, access and power.  Emily Norton and Geraint Vaughan from NCAS arrived and after surveying alternatives with their help it was determined that the Operations Center was the only viable site available.  We maneuvered the trailer into position and Emily and Geraint have begun to prepare the system.  Power will be drawn from the Operations Center, although care will need to be taken not to overload circuits.  A network cable will also be run to the system with computers being setup in an office trailer in the parking lot.

Sounding Site setup:

The office trailer for the sounding site is delayed and is expected to arrive Wednesday.